Where You Go Says More About You Than Where You Came From

Where you go says more about you than where you came from

We tend to define ourselves through our past and be predictable because of it, but the past does not always say much about who we are. Many of us learn from our past and live better in the present. This may more accurately reflect who we are today. People are not static and immutable. On the contrary: the transformation process is a daily struggle. Therefore, where you go says more about you than where you came from. Let’s talk more about this.

There can be no transformation without the component of emotions. The emotions we experience are the main reason behind our behavior. Our destiny cannot be changed; otherwise it would not be fate. But a person can change, because otherwise they would no longer be a person.

The goals we pursue largely reveal who we are. Achieving our goals is not as important as what we become when we pursue them. We are in the present. So what does it mean we were last week if we know who we are today?

Only 20% of our brain is in the moment, it is in our past

Our brain loves to go from the past to the future and back again without stopping in the present, not even to refuel. 40% of the human brain uses its resources for conjectures and hypotheses that will never materialize. Another 40% are rooted in situations and conflicts in our past, leaving only 20% to what really matters, who we are in the present moment.

That is why it is so common to describe ourselves with a focus on our past. Some studies suggest that the present is an elusive place for the brain, but this can be trained. Having goals and direction makes us more connected to our environment.

past, present and future.

The past gives us a lot of information about how we once were, but the present gives us information about who we are. But for our brain, it is much easier to keep information from the past. After all, it has already dealt with it. This is why many of us find it difficult to see ourselves as we really are, with that image in our head that is so outdated in relation to the person we are today.

Slogans like “in the good old days” show us how the brain separates things from the past. The brain restores our memories to make them more positive. Our memory takes fragments of the present and puts them into the past so that they fit better into the world we are in now.

Where you come from may be random, but where you go is your choice

We all have a past, and sometimes it is not the fruit of our choices. As we grow, with control over our lives, we choose and shape attitudes and the lifestyle that best suits our tastes and our values. Knowing where we are going means that we have grown in self-control, judgment and generosity (or at least that we are capable of doing so).

Walking in the sun.

Every choice has a consequence. If we do not like our choice and its consequences, instead of clinging to the past in our minds, we must look for a new choice and a new consequence. Is the path we choose always the right one? There are consequences we can not know in advance, but to do the right thing to achieve success is to make a choice.

We can choose to get rid of beliefs that limit us and create others who make our lives better, more fun, even more fortunate. Only ghosts linger in the past, describing themselves with their already chosen lives, which they have lived and somehow ended. We are what we choose to be today, not what we chose to be before.

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