When Someone Makes You A Better Person, You Know They Should Be In Your Life

When a bond you have with someone makes you a better person, it is a clear sign that the person should be in your life. They are souls who enter our personal history to create wonderful and enriching encounters between two biographies with different origins, experiences and ways of seeing the world.

They are people who are like a comforting ointment and give us help, security and relief. People who make our cargo light and make life more fun. People whose embrace feels like home. Beautiful people, who radiate warmth and inner beauty.

People who make us understand that we are not rich until we have something that money cannot buy, something with a name, a face, a smell and emotions. People we experience an unbreakable harmony with, who teach us that this world is a good place that has so many opportunities to learn.


I am me because you exist

Our biography is defined by ourselves and by others; that is, our identity is also formed by others. So if we build relationships with beautiful people who offer us kindness, beauty, love and knowledge, we will project the values ​​and emotions generated by this exchange from us.

That is why people become our place, our home, our heaven. When they come into life, you know they should be there because together you make each other better people. Together you weave an atmosphere of wonderful kindness around the light of emotional growth.

People who feel at home, those made of stainless steel, are the people who hug you so tightly that all your pieces are put back together, the ones that make all your fears and sorrows fall away. Those who teach you the good things in life, who show you that the world is absolutely wonderful.

Woman in fetal position in flowers

Get together to comfort each other

There is no heat that is more comforting than a deep and intense connection. Likewise, it is impossible to know ourselves without contact with others. It is in this context that we can begin to both water our plant and be nourished by it as well. When we enter the journey of self-knowledge through a relationship:

  • We discover our strengths.
  • We pool our resources to meet the challenges of life.
  • We enrich our skills for life.

We cannot define ourselves without understanding that the people who influence us and accompany us in life soften our identity and make us better people. They are the match, the spark, needed to illuminate our qualities and develop our knowledge of life.

Woman with birds

They protect us from falls, and help us to develop ever larger wings. They help us restore our dreams, repair our fears, choose the sorrows that are worth living, and let go of the rest.

That is why the people we are to be with are the ones who hug us with words, see us with love, and make our worst emotional wounds disappear and transform us. Through them come the smiles that mask our pain, repair us and help us feel the warmth of perfection again.

In life, it is wonderful to have people around us who are there for us just when we need it. That is why those who remain and light us up even when we are in the shadows, deserve to follow us with times of great brightness as well. They deserve our gratitude, warmth, love and happiness. They deserve to be celebrated with dignity and gratitude, they deserve their reward. They deserve our recognition as people of stainless steel.

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