Use And Abuse Of Anxiolytics And Hypnotics

Anxiolytics and hypnotics are medications that are often prescribed in cases of anxiety and insomnia in adults. Do you know the various side effects that result from the use and abuse of these drugs? We tell you everything you need to know in this article.
Use and abuse of anxiolytics and hypnotics

Today , anxiolytics and hypnotics are very often prescribed to patients. In fact, since 2000, there has been a significant increase in the use of these drugs worldwide. Benzodiazepines are the most common psychotropic drugs used by adults.

Controlled use of medication is very important, especially when it comes to psychotropics. Many of these drugs can cause serious side effects that simply cannot be overlooked. In addition, patients are sometimes unaware of the potential side effects before starting to take them.

Prolonged use of this type of medication can lead to patients developing an addiction. What begins as a low-dose prescription for a specific one-time situation often ends up having a long-term impact on the patient’s quality of life, both physically and mentally.

Different pills

What are anxiolytics and hypnotics?

Anxiolytics and hypnotics are a group of depressive psychoactive substances for the central nervous system. They are used primarily to treat symptoms of anxiety, but can also be used to treat symptoms of insomnia.

These drugs dampen the functions of the nervous system, reduce it and help reduce or eliminate symptoms of anxiety. However, they can also affect other brain functions, such as coordination and reaction time.

Benzodiazepines are the best known group of anxiolytics. They can be classified into different types, depending on whether they are long-term or short-term:

  • Long- acting benzodiazepines include diazepam and bromazepam.
  • Short-acting benzodiazepines include alprazolam and lorazepam.

The most commonly used drugs in this group are alprazolam, lorazepam and lormetazepam. Today we often use them as a quick fix so that we can cope with stress in our daily lives. If they are abused, however, the side effects can be extremely serious. As such, it is important to know what they are before you start using them.

Abuse of anxiolytics and hypnotics

As we have already mentioned, these drugs are prescribed regularly for cases of anxiety and insomnia in adults. In the short term, they are a safe and effective form of treatment. However, they can cause unwanted side effects when used for a long time. These include:

  • increased risk of falls and fractures
  • risk of cognitive impairment and dementia
  • drug tolerance and dependence
  • increased anxiety (paradoxically)

These side effects may even occur in patients taking therapeutic doses. As such, experts advise against exceeding the recommended course of treatment. This means that they should never be used for more than four weeks in case of insomnia or 12 weeks in case of anxiety.

The treatment plan must also include a tapering period in which the dosages are gradually reduced. This is especially important for longer doses of medication. If the symptoms persist, then the doctor treating the person must look for alternative or complementary treatment options.

These side effects can occur both from the patient’s abuse of the prescribed medication or as a result of an inappropriate prescription from the doctor. In some cases, patients themselves insist that their doctor continue to prescribe these drugs. In others, doctors prescribe them too easily.

The reality is, in routine practice, that the recommended dosage for this type of psychotropic drug is often overridden. Many adults use benzodiazepines on a daily basis. Unfortunately , these patients are at greater risk of getting the side effects we mentioned above.

At the same time, there has also been an increase in over-the-counter medications among younger generations who use benzodiazepines as recreational drugs. This is due in part to how easy it is for us today to access these drugs and their excessive, and sometimes unnecessary, prescription.

A person holding pills

Controlled use of medication

In short , abuse of any substance can have very negative side effects, especially for the patient, but also for society as a whole. If each of us does our part, we can help promote the controlled use of these medications.

Anxiolytics and hypnotics in particular are medications that can cause serious side effects if not used properly. It is important that you always follow the instructions given to you by your doctor. Under no circumstances should you try to medicate yourself.

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