The MUM Effect: What Is It And How Does It Affect Us?

The MUM effect is related to the difficulty many people have in communicating bad news and the tendency to avoid it. But what else do we know about this social phenomenon? Why is it happening? We tell you everything in this article!
The MUM effect: What is it and how does it affect us?

In the field of social psychology, many interesting phenomena help us to understand why we act in a certain way when we relate to others. The MUM effect is one of them. Experts define it as avoiding or refusing to give bad news because of the fear that other people will associate us with the bad news.

Our social environment determines our way of acting. The people around us influence our behavior and our way of thinking or feeling. As you can see, this has a lot to do with a phenomenon that occurs frequently. It has to do with avoiding guilt and maintaining our self-esteem. It goes by the name MUM effect.

Woman thinking.

The MUM effect: What is it?

The MUM effect occurs when we resist or avoid communicating bad news. We can even distort it or cover it so that it is not so negative. There is a certain fear of giving bad news, a fear that people will associate us with the bad news. This is regardless of whether we have anything to do with it. In turn, this fear is rooted in the fact that we do not want to be considered negative people.

This effect occurs in the face of all kinds of negative news. For example, the death of someone else, an accident or a critical medical situation. Furthermore, the MUM effect occurs in all types of circumstances and with all possible recipients of the news (either family, friends, partner, etc.)

Although it is a very common phenomenon, we can not say that it is universal. A clear example of this is hiking stories, rumors or news programs. These always seem to deliver bad news. Yet we are still attracted to them.

How does it affect us?

The MUM effect is especially common in situations where the news affects or refers to our own well-being or the well-being of the recipient or recipients. So how does it affect us?

Basically in the following way: When we have to communicate bad news, we try to avoid doing so or even change the message unconsciously, so that the news does not seem so negative. This happens for fear of being associated with it. It’s like we had something to do with causing this news, even if it’s something completely irrational.

Here we must point out that professionals who are faced with the task of communicating bad news every day (for example doctors) are likely to be more resistant to this effect, and will not change the message. This is because it is part of their job, and because they can not distort the facts of the case. Of course, this does not mean that they do not suffer when they have to communicate bad news.

After all, we are human, and it is perfectly normal for us to feel this fear, discomfort, or anxiety. Who will communicate negative news? With the MUM effect, we therefore try to “compensate” for this fear or discomfort and the possible pain we can cause others by communicating the news.

Causes of the MUM effect

Why does this phenomenon occur? We have already said that it is related to the fear that people will think we are negative or unattractive people. But what are the underlying causes? Why do we want to feel attractive to others?

Some theories that mention this effect are the reinforcement theories (Lott and Lott, Byrne). According to these theories, it is an attraction towards people who are present or doing something that triggers an effect on us (either positive or negative). Beyond these reinforcement theories, it is in the universal interest to ensure that people like us.

On the other hand, a cognitive bias affects the view of reality. This is the so-called “belief in a just world”. Through this belief, we have the irrational idea that the normal course of events will be fair to all involved. Or in other words “Everyone gets what they deserve”. This belief can also explain why we are so reluctant to give bad news to those we believe “do not deserve it.”

Why do we not want to give bad news?

Let’s go back to the MUM effect and what we said. The fact is that no one likes to be the bearer of bad news. But why is that? Some of the reasons why we find it difficult to give bad news, and which are supported by scientific research, are the following:

  • We are concerned about our well-being. Above all, we want to avoid guilt when we communicate bad news.
  • We do not want to hurt others (and this will largely be explained by empathy).
  • We use certain social norms as a guide when communicating with people (we have a number of ideals about “how to do things right”).
  • We are worried (or afraid) of being associated with the bad news we have to communicate (and therefore give the impression of being less attractive or less positive).
Man who thinks.

There are no magic formulas for giving bad news

There are no general rules that tell us how to act in society. It’s the same with bad news: no perfect protocol or magic formula will mitigate the negative effect when we communicate it.

However, we have the Buckman-Baile Protocol, published in 2006 in the Journal of Intensive Care Medicine , which gives us some practical ideas on how we can do this.

Of course, the MUM effect will always exist due to the human tendency to avoid hurting others. This tendency will be largely explained by the desire to be accepted and maintain good self-esteem. Furthermore, empathy will also make this phenomenon understandable.

In short, we like to give good news and not bad news, because we like to be associated with good things!

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