The Energy Given From Your Relationships

The energy given from your relationships

The energy given from your relationships determines how your life is. We live in a world where it is impossible to get away from external emotions. It is a world where the expressions, words and actions of others can either catch you or make you uncomfortable. As humans, we have invisible fibers that pass through our bodies that condition us in every way. Some of them we do not even notice.

At first glance, this kind of idea probably seems unlikely and fascinating. It is worth mentioning that there has been great progress in the study of emotions and kinesthesia in recent years. Now new research fields are starting to appear, and they are definitely worth bringing forward. A good example is that research is done on something called “body intelligence”.

According to this theory , we must all be more aware of our inner energies. They are the type of energies that attach to your body, but you do not always recognize them. So when we talk about “energies”, what we are talking about are emotional states that either limit you or help you expand your horizons. You also project them on other people.

This theory also points to some other interesting things. Most of us do not know that we live in a world that consists exclusively of emotional, mental and physical energy fields. It goes beyond matter, beyond a work environment with employees and furniture… It goes beyond a nice home with small conveniences and luxury. Beyond all that, it is an emotional network that covers all aspects of our lives.

Emojis represent different emotions

The energy given from your mood

Every cell, nerve fiber, neural network and tissue in your body needs energy to function. It is a huge network of impulses that control everything we do as humans. This is where the neurons communicate with each other. They create electric brain waves based on what you do, think or feel at any given moment.

There is also one thing that really stands out in all this. Your mood gives an “impression” on the places you have been. We have previously talked about work and home environments. You have probably all noticed this at some point. Sometimes when you move into a friend’s house or start a new job, there is something about it that makes you uncomfortable. Something about it lowers your mood.

Emotions, especially those that come from stress, tension and anxiety, are easy to spread. Psychologists call it “social exchange”. Basically, it leads to a change in mood and state of mind due to the attitude or emotional state of the people around you. This “climate” can also have far more negative than positive. It can cause physical exhaustion, low motivation, distorted thinking, discomfort, etc…

Man with his back full of roots

The energy given from your relationships creates a very special atmosphere. How the energy field is (enriching or invalidating), will definitely determine whether it gives you well-being or discomfort. Experts in this field say that the goal should be to ensure that the exchange is consistent. In other words, you need to create a kind of emotional reciprocity where everyone benefits.

This is obviously a good goal to achieve in any family, romantic relationship, any work or school environment, etc. To do that you need to start with yourself. This is where bodily intelligence comes in.

The energy given from your relationships and the keys to well-being

Everyone wants a satisfying, fluid and meaningful relationship. But often it is friction instead of harmony. Communication between you and your partner, children or colleagues may have been strained recently. You may also find that you are less productive or even less creative in your daily activities.

Admittedly, the energy that comes from your relationships is not just about other people. Your relationship to work or mental / physical activity is also important. They are aspects of life that take a lot of energy (motivation, interest, positive attitude…). So the idea is to use all your emotions and mental states to your advantage. That way, you can start enjoying everything you do. The point is also to improve your personal relationships, influence others positively, and create environments with an enriching energy.

We’ll show you some of the keys to doing that now.

Energy given from relationships represented by the outline of the person filled with colors

Understand your body so that you can use energy to your advantage

  • When you get up in the morning, try to be aware of how you feel. Body intelligence is there to remind you that many of your emotional states take hold of your body. Tension, abdominal pain, headache, muscle aches… all this can come from emotions.
  • Remember that physical discomfort often manifests itself in your language and attitude. You wake up tired / do not want to do anything and end up projecting it on your partner. It can make you react rudely to them or even make a nasty comment.
  • The best thing you can do is pay attention to your emotional state and find the source of the problem. It is not enough to just postpone it. You can not take painkillers and continue with your day. That feeling, that discomfort, will still be there and can bring down the quality of your relationship.
  • Replace energy poles. You probably do not have much time after getting up to do relaxation or stress management techniques. You may need to postpone them, but you should still make sure to do them at some point. If you want to change the flow of your inner, negative energy, there are some simple strategies that can quickly give you a better emotional state:
    • A healthy breakfast.
    • Listen to relaxing music on the way to work.
    • Take deep breaths while walking.

Last but not least, it is an important detail you should never forget. The energy you project on other people is the same energy they want to give back. If you give tension, discomfort, negative expressions and lack of interest, you get the same things from others. The energy given from your relationships comes from the efforts on both sides. Start by investing in yourself so that you can give your best to everyone else.

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