The Difficulty Of Making The Decision To See A Psychologist

Psychotherapy is a beneficial tool, and many are aware of this. In many cases, however, they are reluctant to go to a psychologist. Why is this happening?
The difficulty of making the decision to see a psychologist

When a person suffers from a physical illness, they go to the doctor without asking questions about it. Think about it. If your teeth hurt, you will more than likely seek out a dentist. If you want to be healthier, you will probably decide to go to a nutritionist. In the same way, many people’s New Year’s resolutions are to start at a gym and start working out with their physical health. So why is it so complicated to do the same for mental health? Why is it so difficult to make the decision to see a psychologist?

Many people experience high levels of emotional distress without really being aware of where it comes from and how they can do it better. They know that there are psychologists, but they are not sure what would happen if they left. However , others are fully aware of the benefits of psychotherapy and still refuse to use this valuable resource. What are the reasons that prevent people from learning about their inner world? Is seeing a psychologist still taboo? Let us see.


Today, the general notion of psychology is very different from how it used to be. When it comes to this science, people are definitely more open-minded now. Unfortunately, a certain stigma still falls on it. Basically, an important part of the population still considers that only “crazy people” go to therapy. In their eyes , only people with severe mental illness see psychologists.

People are sometimes reluctant to go to therapy because they are afraid people will judge them. In other words, some may think that seeing a psychologist admits that they are seriously injured, which can be embarrassing.

The reality is that psychotherapy is a tool that can help you know yourself better and teach you to deal with your own thoughts and feelings. For that reason, it is extremely useful and beneficial for everyone. In addition, it can teach you to communicate more effectively and achieve greater balance and inner well-being. Those who have the courage to grow on a personal level with the help of a professional should be proud.

A person in therapy.

Fear, a major obstacle to seeing a psychologist

Fear is a powerful emotion that can prevent you from moving forward in many areas of your life. If you are asking yourself why it is so difficult to make a decision to see a psychologist, fear is often the answer.

Fear of the unknown, of the uncertainty of not knowing what will happen in the consultation, of not knowing if the therapist will be able to help you. However, it is usually the fear of meeting your inner demons that weighs the most. After all, reviving old wounds is not easy.

Often, many of the arguments people use to justify why they do not go to the psychologist, despite suffering, are just excuses to hide the truth. Basically, they are afraid to face themselves. And rightly so, so it’s a scary thing to dive deep into oneself. However, running away from oneself is scarier. No one should deprive themselves of learning about themselves and grow from it.

Bad experiences

On certain occasions, some people think seeing a psychologist is pointless because they have heard horror stories about therapy from other people. Maybe they have friends who went into therapy and just got bad results. When this happens, it is important to analyze the situation to learn what went wrong in the current experience.

On the one hand, it is possible that the person who went to the psychologist had poor expectations of what the therapy would entail. A psychologist is a guide, they are there with you to help you move forward. Still, you do the work, there are no shortcuts or magic recipes. Healing and growth require involvement and perseverance, but the benefits are great.

On the other hand, the person may not click with the specific therapist. Either because of the methodology or the branch they used, did not suit their needs. This happens often, so it is important to remember that you have control over your therapeutic journey. If you do not like the psychologist you are currently seeing, you have complete freedom to find another. Quitting as a whole is not the answer.

A woman crying while talking to a psychologist.

Maybe inftr resistance is what prevents you from seeing a psychologist

Everything we mentioned earlier is very true. However, there is a reason behind all of the above, the one that acts as the biggest obstacle: Your own resistance. You may be aware that you need help, you know that you are facing a tough situation, and you think that therapy can be very beneficial, and despite that you are not able to take the step.

This happens because man is an animal of customs and habits. It is difficult to get out of the comfort zone, we are aware of this. Change and uncertainty are undoubtedly frightening. If this is what is happening to you, do not hesitate to go the other way. Do not let your unconscious fears hold you back from developing. Meet them and invest in yourself. The effort will be worth it.

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