The Difference Between Being Brilliant And Talented

What is the difference between being ingenious and talented? Do they coincide at all? It’s not just about intelligence. Find out why!
The difference between being brilliant and talented

In this article we will try to find out if being ingenious and talented is the same thing, or if there are differences between the two.

If we take Spain as an example, in the school year 2017-2018, only 34,113 students with a high capacity of 8,161,144 students had been identified. This represents only 0.42% of the total, as shown by the data from the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training.

Although the information can vary considerably , it is not easy to spot talented or talented children in schools. We’re talking about gifted children, but what about being ingenious? Is a gifted child the same as being a genius?

The answer is no, and that’s why we want to explain some differences between genius and talented. In general, we can say that gifted children are very intelligent children with an IQ of over 130 (average intelligence is 100 in the normal population). On the other hand, geniuses are people who have excelled in a particular field thanks to a very specific talent.

However, geniuses do not necessarily have to develop their intelligence as early as gifted children do. People “classify” them as geniuses because of the work they do, which has been especially important or important to society. But what other differences are there between being ingenious and talented? Let’s discover them!

Boy doing math.

The definitions of being ingenious and talented

Before we delve deeper into the differences between ingenious and gifted, let us first clarify the definitions. RAE (Royal Spanish Academy of Language) defines genius as ” an extraordinary mental ability to create or invent new and admirable things “. On the other hand, the gifted define as ” one who has greater qualities than normal, especially with regard to intellectual conditions.”

However, these definitions do not remove our questions. At first glance, they seem to be very similar concepts, even if they are not. Apart from RAE’s definition, psychology states that wealth refers to people who are able to achieve a high potential in certain areas.

To be considered gifted, a person’s IQ (intelligence quotient) must be higher than 130. The definition of “gifted” is related to social attributes, and according to expert psychotherapist in wealth, Leandro Quiroz, are the people who stand out in many ways.

These people are characterized by a diverse way of functioning on a neural, mental, cognitive and executive level. They also tend to have some specific personality traits.

A genius, on the other hand, is someone who stands out in a certain area. It is a person who performs an “ingenious work” – an important work for society. In other words, there are people with special talents. They are creative, groundbreaking and innovative.

In summary, we can say that a talented person is gifted in all areas, while a genius is gifted in a more specific area.

The differences between being ingenious and talented

Without further ado, we will now look at the most notable differences between being ingenious and talented. Among other things, it is related to the type of intelligence, the areas it covers and the motivation to learn.

Therefore, if someone works in a psycho-pedagogical or psychological context, and finds a child with great abilities, or above average intelligence, what do they do then? First, they must make a proper evaluation before drawing any concrete conclusions. After that, they need to create an education plan to help them with development, quality of life and self-esteem.

Areas people stand out in

A gifted person would be very intelligent in different areas: math, language, foreign languages, etc. In other words, their intelligence would cover many different aspects.

On the other hand, a genius is someone who stands out in one particular area.

The difference between being ingenious and talented: Intelligence vs. talent

A gifted child usually has an innate ability to develop tasks and solve difficult problems. Their intelligence usually develops very early. Although it is often detected when they are very young, this is not always the case.

A genius does not have to be very intelligent. What defines them as a genius is talent and work in a certain area. For example, an artistic genius or a great mathematician.

Early talent for intelligence

In line with the previous point is another of the differences between genius and talented early talent, which we have already touched on. In gifted children, intelligence is high and early (meaning that there are children who are able to solve more difficult problems that are not expected for their age). In geniuses, however, this does not have to happen.

A genius does not necessarily show this early intelligence, and we can define them based on the implementation of their talent. In other words, thanks to the work they do.

The motivation to learn or create

The motivation to develop a certain talent or to be good in a certain area is another of the differences between being ingenious and talented.

Talented children should generally be motivated at school. Therefore, it is important to discover unusual abilities, especially to avoid boredom. On the other hand, geniuses tend to have a more inherent and innate motivation to develop their talent. This is because they really like what they do.

It is quite easy to verify this, since those we consider geniuses are known for their achievements or work, which they develop because they actually want to. In other words, they are passionate about something they are also very good at.

Girl playing piano.


While it is usually not easy to spot gifted children in school, at least not early on, the fact is that it is easier to spot them than to discover geniuses. This can be explained by the fact that gifted children tend to learn much faster. Oddly enough, they can also be children who perform poorly at school, simply because they are bored. Regardless, people notice that their intelligence is above average.

On the other hand, geniuses do not necessarily have to be more intelligent or more “detectable”. They may be fairly normal children at school, academically speaking, but when they leave school they develop a special talent in a more specific field (such as music). This would be another difference between being ingenious and talented.

If children are already so different from each other, imagine the situation between ingenious and gifted children. There will always be differences! And there is often a big difference between them. For that reason, we must never generalize. We just have to analyze each case.

It is very important to ensure that we accompany the child on the journey, whether it is parents or professionals. We have to adapt to their needs to strengthen our talents.

The most important thing of all, however, is to ensure the child’s well-being, and always encourage them to feel satisfied in the areas they want to develop.

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