The Bad Habit Of Thinking Badly Of Others

People with the bad habit of thinking badly of others are often unable to see anything positive in people. Unfortunately, their social and emotional lives become very poor, and this can even lead to hurting others.
The bad habit of thinking badly of others

Thinking badly about others is a bad habit derived from prejudice. The worst part is that this behavior is usually prophetic. In other words, the expectation that someone will behave badly or cause harm is often true due to the interference of those who believe it.

Those who adopt the habit of thinking badly of others are usually people who have experienced surprising and negative experiences in the past. Such experiences are not the problem, but their lack of elaboration. They are inflated and biased and unfortunately often lead to further damage.

It is difficult to feel disappointed by others. Furthermore, it is a painful experience that is not easy to overcome. Mainly because from your perspective it represented deception, betrayal of trust or ignorance. However, it is up to you to either cope with the pain or let it linger.

A woman squeezing a pillow.

To think badly of others

The bad habit of thinking badly of others is a way of predicting possible harm. It is rooted in the idea that someone will fool you if you are not aware, or that they must be in a defensive position. Sometimes people hurt others to avoid being hurt themselves. Either way, they expect the worst because they try to prevent surprises.

As a consequence, they end up creating redundant and defensive connections with others, whether they deserve it or not. Thus, they deprive themselves of the joy of showing themselves as they are, without shields or masks. In the same way, they stop experiencing the joy of establishing an intimate bond with someone.

Worst of all, they end up leading others to meet negative expectations in some way. A mistrustful person can only generate mistrust and distance. It is a magnet for negativity they surround themselves with. Therefore, this results in a tense and defensive situation.

A dog is more likely to attack you when it experiences your fears. This is because the animal interprets it as being ready to fight. Humans have a similar instinct.

The negative experiences of the past

A person who thinks badly about others is in pain, even if they do not admit it. This habit drains their well-being and keeps the flame of past disappointments alive. They can also develop harmful behaviors towards others due to their defensive attitude.

When a person does not address their pain and does not deepen it, they end up using it as an axis to turn around. People who have been hurt before always have reason to distrust others. There is great disappointment behind their attitude. Quite often it has to do with someone they loved deeply or were addicted to.

The rejection, abandonment or injury came as a surprise to them. This was exactly what affected them the most. To be let down by someone they once trusted. A person who has been exposed to such a situation often blames himself and has no intention of being taken by surprise again.

A seemingly distant couple.

Deepen the pain

Each person has the ability to disappoint others and be let down by others. No one goes through life without disappointing others. This is because humans are neither angels nor demons. No one is perfect, and everyone hurts someone.

Distrust of humanity does not ease the burden in your life. It is actually the opposite. It just makes your disappointment the central focus of life and captivates you. The way out is not just about strengthening your defenses and just starting to trust everyone overnight. Rather, it’s about going back to the episodes that were so difficult for you.

You have to forgive and let go, mainly as a way to feel good about yourself. If you trust someone and they deceive or disappoint you, the action is personal to them, not to you. Someone treated you badly because you did the right thing: You trusted them.

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