Superiority: A Characteristic Of Insecure People

Superiority: a hallmark of insecure people

We know all the people who present themselves as very confident and brag about themselves. They keep their heads up, pretending to know everything and that no one will ever reach their level. These people are known for their charisma of superiority. They think they are better than everyone else, surrounded by their admirers and their victims. Did you know that superiority can be a hallmark of insecure people?

Humility is not a quality these people have. They always behave proudly  and superiorly over anything that can make them rise above the others. But is there something more hidden behind this? Is it really just a mask that hides a deeper truth?

Superiority and self-deception

Think of people who bully others. They are not as strong as they may seem, because they depend on harassing others to create fear and gain respect. But inside, they are not as tough as they look. They hide some serious problems and project this onto the people around them.

The same thing happens with people who exude superiority. Behind the hatred they show to their friends, they have a much deeper problem that they are trying to hide. This causes them to hide behind a mask of self-help, but they will never have their needs met.

Woman behind mask

Humans have an amazing ability to deny the problems that surround them. And sometimes they dare to deny the reality that unfolds right before their eyes. Sometimes it is out of fear, other times they are afraid of being humiliated. For people who radiate superiority, it is their insecurities that bother them.

Of course , self-esteem plays a fundamental role here. In this situation, you may either feel superior or inferior. People who radiate superiority hide their insecurities by behaving as if they are better than everyone else and humiliating them so that they can feel better.

They look down on you

One factor that can make a person behave as if they are better than others is when they are bullied  as children. For example, some people change their behavior radically when they start university, in order to protect themselves from attacks and harassment in the future.

They therefore believe that they must step on others and show everyone how confident they are from day one, so that they will never be trampled on again. Thus, they portray themselves as a completely different person than they are. They never admit their mistakes and always blame others. They can also behave pedantic and arrogant, with such a positive outlook on themselves that they become a role model for people around them.

Man with flower face

To fire up the superiority, they need the people who follow them and give them attention. Otherwise, they will feel unsuccessful and collapse. This is why they are so melodramatic and why they make jokes about their superiors to show who the real boss is.

Unfortunately for them , this situation will sooner or later end, and when this happens, their self-esteem will be hurt. When you ignore a problem, you only make it worse, and when it can no longer be repaired, it will strike you with a force that is hard to resist.

Hiding behind a mask is never a good option. The solution lies in trying to achieve a balanced self-confidence, so that you can feel safe and have good thoughts about yourself. Presenting yourself as a person who harms others will not make you feel any better, at least not in the long run. Inside you will continue to feel the terrible emptiness and insecurity.

So be careful  every time you discover that you are dealing with a person who has a problem with superiority. They have no guilt in the way they behave. It is the result of the terrible things they themselves have experienced. If you have the opportunity to give them a helping hand, then do it! If not, you should stay safe at a distance and let them find their own way, until they have solved the problem of their insecurity on their own.

Body with mask holding face

Now you know that a person who exaggerates their strengths – whether it is self-confidence, strength, courage  or intelligence – and behaves as if they are better than everyone else, this is because they feel insecure. It is a way for them to protect themselves, even if all they really achieve is to cause more harm.

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