Learn To Close Cycles Correctly

It can be difficult to close a chapter completely and then move on, but it is necessary not to dwell on the past.
Learn to close cycles properly

When we talk about cycles, we are talking about the life processes that have a beginning, middle and end. Even if nothing is completely over, it is important to learn to close cycles once a process has dried up. That way, you can move forward and avoid getting stuck.

To do this, you need to know how to differentiate between closing cycles and losing something. Closing large chapters in your life always comes with loss and pain. But it is never sudden or extremely painful that a real loss is. What this means is that closing a cycle always means loss, but loss does not always mean having to close a cycle.

The main reason why it is important to close cycles is that it plays a direct role in your future. No matter what kind of cycle it is, if it stays open, it will get in the way of your personal progress. It’s like not doing anything with a leaking faucet and expecting it not to cost you more money or create more damage. That is why, in this article, we are going to show you some ways to close cycles.

To close cycles, you must first release

As human beings, we tend to hold on to what we know, no matter how negative it is. It is a very strong habit that pushes us into total passivity. We see it as easier to live with something bad but familiar than it is to look for all the good things out there.

birds and hand

That is why so many of us are resistant to closing cycles. There are some of us who want to keep doing the same things. We do not want to have to feel doubt about the unknown.

This is also the reason why the first thing you need to do is let go. A cycle closes when the whole process is completed, and there are only scattered residues left. Closing cycles is something you have to do consciously. You may not have anything to hold on to anymore, but that does not mean that you are still not connected to it mentally. Letting go is a way of accepting a new reality.

Saying goodbye and creating a balance

Closing cycles involves moving away from painful realities, but it also involves some pain in itself. This is why you must let yourself experience the sadness endings bring with them, and say goodbye to the reality that is about to disappear. The best way to do that is to make a memory of what you went through.

You can not close cycles by just sticking your head in the sand like an ostrich. Seeing the other way will not work either. It is best to think back step by step on each and every experience that was part of this process. Choose the beginning, the most important moments and the emotions you experienced.

Once you have done that, you can create a balance, an evaluation of the positive (or complex) experiences you had in this cycle. What it taught you and what it did not teach you, for example. Or what it did to your growth, and what effect it had on your limitations. This is the best way to say goodbye.

The time to start again

The main purpose of closing cycles is to make peace with your recent past. The point is to move on without letting your past experiences influence you or take over your present. Each end means a new beginning. That beginning is where you should put all your attention and effort.

Person who knows how to close cycles goes down a road at sunset

New things do not have to be scary. It is normal to feel a little nervous at first, but it will not be long before they reveal their good qualities. There is something adventurous about moving from the known to the unknown. You will always learn new lessons, be surprised, and of course adapt. Most of the time, these changes give you much more than they take from you.

Closing cycles is absolutely crucial for your mental health. If you do not close them, the future will only feel overwhelming and confusing. As for the past, you have to give it a nice funeral and say goodbye. As for the unknown, the future, you must welcome it with open arms and an open heart.

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