Is It Possible To Change Your Personality?

We have all wondered if it is possible to change our personality. Today we are going to give you an answer to this question.
Is it possible to change your personality?

We have all probably wanted to change our personality or certain parts of it at some point. There are many reasons for this, but the main reason has to do with the way we interact with the world that we do not like with ourselves.

Before we get into change, however, we need to talk about what makes change possible in the first place: Personality is not fixed. We must also expose the myth that your personality does not become more firm as you age. People think that because certain patterns tend to become more ingrained with age, they are harder to get rid of.

Instead, you should think of personality as something dynamic, something that can change. The main question is whether you change on purpose or perhaps as a result of other circumstances.

It is much easier for children and teenagers to change personality. This is because they have not completely shaped your personality yet and are easier to influence.

What exactly is personality?

Personality is a series of psychological traits that include all or most of our emotions and perceptions. It is a structure that shapes your behavior and the way you interact with other people and yourself.

A woman who enters nature with her eyes closed.

There are some other connotations to this as well. Personality is also your self-image and the image you present to the world. In this sense, personality is like the mask you show everyone else. It is a kind of strategy you use to hide certain things about yourself in order to achieve social acceptance.

In fact, the word “person” comes from the Latin word “persona”, which means an actor’s mask. Actors in antiquity used masks to portray several characters in the same play.

When you need to change your personality

As we mentioned above, getting older can make it harder to change because your personality is more deeply rooted. However, this does not mean that you can not make any changes when you are old, contrary to what many people think.

We have all heard people say things like “This is how I am” or “I am too old to change.” This is partly true in some cases, but each of us can change parts of our personality if we make an effort.

Making such changes is actually a therapeutic necessity for people with a personality disorder. These are people who have a series of behavioral patterns and psychological mechanisms that cause major problems for them or those around them.

These problems usually lead to suffering, anxiety, aggression, loss of self-control and dissatisfaction, among others. Personality disorders also affect their relationship with other people and can make it more difficult for them to integrate into society, which ends up leading them to isolation and loneliness.

It is possible to change your personality, but it is not easy

It is difficult to change personality. Messing around and replacing your behavior with another takes a lot of resources, including motivation and time.

You must also remember that these patterns are formed by repeating the same behavior in similar situations. For example, some people have behavioral patterns that involve avoiding and running away from things.

These people try to avoid the situation occurring at first or run away if they were not able to predict it. It is difficult for them to stop, even though they know it will hurt them.

In the short term, they avoid pain and suffering by running away from their problems. D Julienne behavior can lead to bigger problems later  and they may even feel like they can not live a normal life.

An image of a black mask and white mask facing each other that symbolizes the idea that we can change our personality.

You change personality by getting rid of old psychological mechanisms

Changing personality generally involves getting rid of certain mechanisms and replacing them with healthier patterns over time.

Returning to the last example, this person needs to start confronting their problems. Doing so will make them feel that they are truly capable of overcoming things. It also increases their confidence. The process helps them learn to face challenges and realize that they have the power to direct their personal growth.

It is also worth remembering that it is easier to change your personality by focusing on specific goals. Thus, it can be very helpful to find out what you want to change or what the change will do (specific details). Of course, you should also get help from a therapist who can offer some tools and techniques that can help you achieve your goals.

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