In Ordinary Life, Extraordinary Things Happen

In ordinary life, extraordinary things happen. These things that take your breath away and make you feel like everything is connected. In ordinary life, there is room for success that makes the difference, even when it is not reproduced in a book, a movie or on the cover of a weekly magazine where the object is portrayed with an inflated ego.

We are brought up to believe that these extraordinary things are something that will not happen to us mortally, but it is not true.  Both you and I have clearly seen incredible things in the suffocating routine that is everyday. On the subway when we look out the window, we see something different in the landscape that still does not seem to contain an interesting story and tell further.

Unexpected meetings

We often think that the days are just coming. They are just new days in our existence that fall out of a worthless calendar.

But in ordinary life, there are random encounters that can change everything. You walk in the park one morning and suddenly a much older person comes towards you, full of vitality – and all he wants is to get a smile.

A random meeting that can lead to several meetings where you share thoughts about a confused future and he shares his experience of how wonderful it really is to hold on to just that thought. This random meeting turns into great memories, valuable reflections and you find company in each other that you never expected.

You travel to a strange place and meet someone you find common interests with,  just by telling why you are on this journey. For you it may be just to visit a friend, but maybe for him – it is to put many things behind him and start again.

When it’s time to say goodbye, you know it’s a long time until next time, but that’s exactly what makes it beautiful. You will always remember this person and once in a while your mind will wander to the person you met many years ago and you will wonder if he is well.

When two people meet in a taxi to share the expenses, they end up sharing stories. In ordinary life, there are unusual encounters when two worlds come together.

Love stories that will never be written

Love stories that were separated by circumstances where the main characters’ flaming hearts never went out. They may not find what they are looking for, but the memories will always come back as the best time of their lives.

Stories about the motherly love of her sick daughter, where she goes home year after year – in the hope that the girl will be able to get past and out of these enclosed walls.

A mother who embraces the memories and love of her daughter. They will not think of their mother as brave, but she is. In normal life, the mother can show a courage so great that it can be called unusual.

Personal changes that should have received a medal of merit, but which are never hung up

Ordinary lives are stories of change. Like a young man with a broken childhood. He found himself in spite of everything and everyone and completed his dream of completing his university education.

He embraces his last semester with pride and in his small apartment he looks around while feeling a unique life in his life. He wants to cross paths with ordinary people who shop for their goods and go for walks while he is yet another of the ordinary in the crowd who changes his life and therefore the world.

Or the woman, who after spending her time on a noisy and meaningless marriage, leaves her second painting course where she has finally, after many years, met people she can talk to about meaningful and beautiful things. Absolutely without fear that they will say that she is talking nonsense.

Dogs and children play in nature, so beautiful and ordinary

In ordinary life, there are stories full of beauty and emotion. One of the most common scenes you see is children playing with soil and sand next to a dog watching closely.

The dog comes over to him, they roll in the sand. The boy enjoys the dog and they start the game with running and chasing. Excited and full of innocence, they make the adults around them laugh.

Joy is so contagious that it really speaks for itself. The boy says goodbye to his best friend, it looks like it’s going to rain. The trees respond to the storms that get stronger and stronger as more and more leaves fall down.

As the leaves fall, panic takes hold of the people around, although they usually like the humid air and the smell before a rain shower. Now they dream of protecting themselves in their home with a hot cup of cocoa while watching the rain fall outside the window.

These are ordinary stories and people, but never underestimate them, because they bring meaning to life, even when it does not go into the story. Therein lies the charm.

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