I Do Not Want To Make You Feel Alone

Together, our voices are stronger. Together we can go further. Together you will not feel alone. We are all responsible for what happens around us.
I do not want to leave you alone

This letter is for you. I want you to know that I do not want to make you feel alone anymore. No one will pass you by, you will no longer feel that you are not appreciated or exploited. I do not want to make you feel alone because you deserve as much as everyone else, just because you are you. You deserve everything because you are worth it.

Maybe things did not start as you thought they would, or maybe everything was twisted when you thought something was about to change. Or maybe you wanted something you could not get. Maybe you could not see what was obvious to everyone else. Maybe you cried and asked for help and no one listened.

It does not matter how things started or what happened. You’re here and it’s your turn. What do you want? Where are you going? What is your goal for today?

I will not let you hide your face anymore. From now on you will focus on yourself because you are the most important. I’m here, but sometimes you forget. I’m not sure how much or how little I can do, but I will. I do not want to leave you alone. Although I may not know you, I know that my words can heal you.

Do you know why I know all this? Because I’m the voice of everyone. Because we can all do it. Each of us can do our part and help in any way we can.

A woman who does not let her friend feel alone.

We are all with you, now you will never feel alone

I am also writing this letter to myself. I’ve been where you are now, and I’ve also felt alone. Or maybe I am writing to my future self, maybe I will feel abandoned and lonely later. This letter should remind you and me not to be afraid.

I will not let them stop you, hurt your pride, nor tear down your own love. You will be protected from those who hope to ruin your dreams, chase you and beat anxiety in your heart. I will not let this happen to you or anyone else around me.

You do not want to feel alone, and you do not have to live with fear. I want to be there to help you find your inner voice, to encourage you when you feel down. Although I can only help you with my words, I use them to motivate you to keep going, get up and move on.

I will do everything I can to help you. You should know that you are not alone. Anyone and everyone can help. Besides, if we all work together, we will be stronger, bigger and stronger. We can face what comes together and see fear and pain in our eyes and say that we are here and going nowhere.

A yellow flower in someone's hand.

Do you know the spectator effect?

In 1964, Kitty Genovese was killed in her doorway. It took an hour and a half for the killer to kill her, and some of her neighbors experienced the crime. Some sources say that 38 of her neighbors were at home, but none of them called the police and others waited too long to do so. How could this happen? Is there any explanation for this human behavior?

In fact , this psychological phenomenon is called the spectator effect. It claims that the help we provide is inversely proportional to the number of people who are witnessing what is happening. In other words, the more people involved in a given situation, the more likely it is that it will take them longer to bid or ask for help.

Recent studies have confirmed this effect. Help is slower to come when there are more people present. This concept is also known as responsible diffusion.

That is one of the reasons why it is good to know that we are all important, that our help means something. You can not just stand there and wait for others to act. We are all responsible for what happens, and each of us has the opportunity to do something about it. You may only be able to make a small contribution, but it’s better than nothing.

I do not want to leave you alone

No one can change the past, but I tell you that I am here now and that you can trust me. I will never let you feel alone or give up. You will never feel abandoned, and you will never be a new story on the news. I will not let that happen. Let us be strong together so that neither of us will ever feel alone again.

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