For A Couple, Freedom Is The Fuel For The Fire

As human beings, we automatically belong to a society that we have not chosen ourselves, a society where songs can say a lot about how much two people can love each other. About how much they need each other, and about how ideal it will be for them to be together. In children’s movies, we see how the princes save the princesses from the dragons so that she may become HIS queen. And where it is almost mandatory for them to become a queen. But, what about the freedom, independence and the individual project then? 

A house, a car, a computer, even a pet, are things that can belong to you. A human being, on the other hand, cannot do that. A human being belongs only to himself, the universe and man’s own experiences.  No one has the right to take your identity and cut your wings.

How we survive in “romantic” relationships

Over the last two hundred years, we can see how the romantic concept of love has been established. It suggests that the two parties in such a relationship should consider each other as being one entity. Love means making the other person’s day unique just by being by their side.


You meet someone and everything is wonderful. The first few months are all new and exciting.  Every gesture, every word and every place. You do not want to be away from that person for anything in the whole world. You begin to create a two-person dynamic, where previously there was only one person. This is amazing. But as time goes on, the dynamics are in danger of becoming a need in a way where everything one person does without the other person is interpreted as selfishness.

And it is in this area that there is a mistake.  We should be rational enough, even when we are influenced by the irrationality that love generates, that we do not lose our personal freedom. We should be aware that individual activities, keeping your own friends and spending some time alone, are nothing but the air we need for the comet of love we experience in order for it to soar as high as it can.

Conversations are the best way to promote freedom

To promote freedom and independence, healthy and functional communication is the key.  It should not be a problem to inform your partner about what plans you have. It is not healthy for you to think about how to negotiate what you want or want to do, in the same way as if an agreement was reached on something. Your relationship is not a business deal. It should be a place based on comfort and understanding,  where all the good from both parties should be filled in the mix.


When it’s time to talk to your partner, you should both keep in mind that you are not just talking to your partner. You talk to your partner and your partner about their life experience. Here are two attitudes that come into the picture. On the one hand, the understanding that your partner has to adapt to you, since in the past they may have experienced things that now make them insecure and fearful people with trust issues. And on the other hand, you have to understand that your past is in the past, and in front of you there is a new person who is going to give you a new future. A Fri mtid that is going to be good for both of you.

To enjoy each other, to share quality time freely

The greatest freedom is found when we use our time and fill it with quality, such as when we are grateful for the time that another person gives us. In this way  we can value the person by our side and the good deeds they do to us without believing that  “this is what you get” ,  and you are not forced to do what society dictates that you should do in your role as a partner.


Therefore, to conclude, it is good to keep in mind that in a good relationship, giving the other room is essential. It’s what you share, as well as your own personal space.  In fact, by highlighting your personal rooms, you will also automatically enrich their shared rooms. Missing them, feeling that you need to have them there with you or having time to reflect and think on your own, are examples of activities that can add a lot to their relationship. And these are activities that are difficult to complete if you spend every waking moment together.

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