Five Quotes By Nikola Tesla

These quotes by Nikola Tesla about life and the world give you an insight into the mind of this ingenious inventor. Despite Tesla’s incredible talent, he died alone in a hotel room, forgotten by the scientific community. Curious? Keep reading to learn more!
Five quotes by Nikola Tesla

These quotes by Nikola Tesla remind us of the importance of ingenuity, imagination, creativity and perseverance. Unfortunately, Tesla and his entrepreneurial spirit did not get the recognition he deserved while he was alive.

You’ve probably heard of the Tesla car. Elon Musk, the creator of Tesla, deeply admired Nikola Tesla. In fact, so deeply that he named his revolutionary car company after this ingenious inventor.

Despite her talent, Nikola Tesla died alone in a hotel room at the age of 86. It took decades for his name to be justified by the scientific community. Still, what he had in imagination and creativity, he lacked in financial knowledge. Despite being the creator of some of the bravest and most important technological advances in the world, he was never compensated for it.

Some of the best quotes by Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla’s quotes reflect his ingenuity. This talented scientist discovered magnetic resonance, the radio, X-rays, and even the remote control. His contribution makes life easier for us today.

Many say that his notes are so important and contain such incredible creations that the US government seized them and kept them locked up. This can only be a rumor, as there is no way to know for sure. That a reputation like this exists, however, shows Tesla’s fame.

Fortunately, Tesla also demonstrated his ingenuity when he was alive, and we have access to some of what the inventor wrote. Thanks to his opposition to the scientific community in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, we now have some of his reflections that are still very relevant in today’s world.

Statue by Nikola Tesla


This quote by Nikola Tesla is a good example of his scientific mind. Here he compares life with movement, but also with mathematics. He says that there are factors we know, but that we will never understand the nature of life. Yet he also indicates that you should not just sit down and do nothing. Instead, it seems that this quote suggests that one must continue to investigate the mysteries of life.

Past and present: Another quote by Nikola Tesla

This is a quote from Tesla that deserves to be carved in stone so that future generations can read and appreciate it. It speaks directly to the life experience of scientists such as Galileo Galilei and Nicolaus Copernicus.

Their research and findings were great, but their peers condemned and suppressed them. Today, their findings are an integral part of how we understand the world. You can say the same thing about the oppression and misunderstanding that Tesla experienced when he was alive. But just as he said, his ideas have emerged triumphantly from the struggle.


Maybe this is a unique feature in humans… We love new discoveries and sensations because we are curious by nature. However, as soon as we know something, it becomes routine. We diminish interest, become indifferent.

The inner and the outer

This is a Nikola Tesla quote that never goes out of style. It is always relevant. So many people spend most of their time trying to keep up with what is happening around them, but they lack a basic understanding of themselves. Tesla suggests that it is better for you to get to know yourself before you judge others.

Woman smiles with closed eyes

Development: Today’s last quote by Nikola Tesla

Tesla believed that it was important to use your brain creatively. He believed that the universe was full of opportunities for learning. Consequently, human evolution was largely dependent on our ability to invent things.

Today, this quote is more relevant than ever. Creativity is a desired skill in all walks of life. Thanks to creativity and imagination, we can enjoy so many technological advances and comforts.

To conclude, Nikola Tesla’s genius shines from these quotes. He was truly a revolutionary inventor and scientist. However, there was more to him than just that. He was self-aware and able to look inside himself to understand who he was and how to relate to the people around him.

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