Five Quotes About The Life Of Severo Ochoa

In this article, we talk about Severo Ochoa’s legacy, life and thoughts through his best quotes.
Five quotes about the life of Severo Ochoa

Severo Ochoa was a man of great knowledge, kindness and intelligence. It is interesting to get to know one of the world’s best researchers through his quotes. In fact, he kept his privacy private and focused on his work. There are not many documented interviews with Dr. Ochoa, but there are many documented medical breakthroughs for humanity.

Who was Severo Ochoa?

Severo Ochoa was born in Asturias, Spain, in 1905. After graduating as a biochemist, he began teaching medicine in Madrid, Heidelberg and Oxford. Unfortunately, the Spanish Civil War prevented him from continuing, so after World War II  began, Ochoa decided to move to the United States.

Here, in this new country, he fulfilled his professional career. Here he first synthesized ribonucleic acid (RNA) in his laboratory, which won him the Nobel Prize in 1959, together with the biochemist Arthur Kornberg, one of his best students.

For most of his life, Ochoa worked at New York University, but  he quit that job in 1986 after his wife passed away. This made him really depressed. From then on, he did not publish any studies, nor did he continue to teach. After moving back to Madrid, Ochoa died in 1993.

Severo Ochoa

The best quotes by Severo Ochoa

Severo Ochoa is one of the three Spanish researchers who have won the Nobel Peace Prize. In his biography, The Joy of Discovery , you can learn about his extraordinary legacy.

Here are some of Severo Ochoa’s best quotes:

The importance of science

For Ochoa, science has always been very important. He researched every day. He believed that sooner or later, any breakthrough would help improve people’s lives.


If the researcher does not have what is needed, having all kinds of modern technologies will not benefit anyone who does not know what they are doing. You need to study and prepare so that your intelligence, interest, passion and creativity help you achieve your goals.


What is life? After decades of study and achievement, Severo Ochoa still did not know what life was, why it existed or what it was used for. Will science discover the answer to this one day? It seems that love is right out of reach of science.

Severo Ochoa and his wife


After his wife passed away, Ochoa fell into a deep depression. This was because his life changed thanks to his wife, and they were together for 55 years.

Severo Ochoa on love and science

In addition to being right about the importance of love, Ochoa always knew that love affects human physics and chemistry. However, he believed that science would never be able to take away the magic of love.

Hopefully these quotes by Severo Ochoa about life and love made you a little better acquainted with him. He was a down to earth, sensitive, intelligent and loving person. He used his talent where it was needed most, in medicine and love.

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