Dark Empaths: Definition And Important Qualities

Psychology reveals a new personality type: A person with dark empaths. This personality type defines those people who seem cold and have dark personality traits, but who are also kind, compassionate and who get in touch with others on a deeper level.
Dark empaths: Definition and important qualities

If there is a popular belief in psychology, it is that psychopaths, Machiavellianism or even narcissists lack authentic empathic qualities and competencies. However, this problem is more complicated than you might think. In recent years, psychological studies of personality reveal a new variable that is as interesting as it is revolutionary: dark empaths.

So what does it consist of? It is a new psychological construction that will define a small percentage of the population. They are individuals who reveal a brighter side, a side that shows empathy, even though they present certain “classic” dark personality traits. This fact has caught the attention of experts, and research on this topic is increasing.

Some experts describe people with dark empaths as the anti-heroes of classic movies and novels, such as the Harry Potter character Severus Snape. To a large extent, these are people who, despite showing cold behavior and mastering the art of manipulation, hide their inner talent, personal responsibility and basic goodness.

Dark empaths.

What are dark empaths?

In evolutionary psychology, it is often believed that “dark qualities” can give humanity a driving force. Skills such as conflict resolution, the ability to lead others, make quick decisions in complex situations, or not giving up on goals are clearly positive qualities.

What do we mean when we talk about dark properties? These define a construction referred to as the dark triad (created in 2002 by Paulhus and Williams). This term refers to the personality characteristics of narcissism, Machiavellianism and psychopathy. Dark features define a clearly malicious interpersonal character in which emotional coldness, aggression and falsehood stand out.

But what if, within the broad spectrum of traits that define the dark profile, it is a more compassionate and sympathetic personality ? Recent studies have revealed a new psychological construct: dark empaths. This newly created property will somehow represent the more conciliatory side of the dark triad . Let’s analyze it.

Dark empaths: Great ability for empathy and dark features

This research paper was published in July 2020. Together with Auckland University of Technology (New Zealand), the University of Nottingham and Bishop Grosseteste University (UK) conducted a study to understand the role of people with dark empaths in the dark triad.

  • There is a widespread assumption that neither the psychopathic nor the narcissistic and the Machiavellian personality has an empathic dimension in their personality. However, the use is not always positive.
  • Most of the time, they feel empathy. They perceive the emotional reality of the other, but for them it is a resource with which they can better manipulate people. In other words, their empathy is clearly instrumental.
  • In a survey conducted on a sample of almost a thousand people, experts discovered something that was striking. Despite showing dark qualities, 19.3 percent showed another type of high empathy. They were able to make contact and feel the reality of others and even experience compassion.
  • People with this type of empathic personality are known as dark empaths (DE).

Can you be an empathetic psychopath? Are there really compassionate narcissists? What this study shows us is, in fact, that there may be some people with “certain” psychopathic, Machiavellian or narcissistic traits, which are also defined as having dark empaths.

Man looking out the window.

What characterizes the dark empathy?

They are mostly men. In the world of film and literature, dark empaths are represented as the typical mysterious or evil character who eventually turns out to have a good heart. He is the vampire who does not drink blood, or the cold and antisocial detective who always stands up for and takes care of the needy. The calculating thief, who leads his gang to commit a criminal act for a good cause.

These are prototypical images that can show us how so-called dark properties can be positive. Hence the interest of psychology in them. Finally, these personalities portray a number of qualities that can be useful for certain professions: spies, soldiers, doctors, and even public office. Let’s look at how we can define them.

Extroverts and neurotics

Dark empaths are characterized by extroversion, dynamic behavior with high openness and simplicity in expressing feelings for others.

In the same way, a neurotic character is often part of these personalities. In other words, they are most likely to experience marked emotional ups and downs (such as anxiety, depression, and phobias). These people often suffer from emotional pain.

They are friendly and social

Their kindness is authentic. They are not fake with what they feel, and they enjoy relating to, meeting people and making contact with people.

They like to have power, but encourage participatory leadership

One of the common characteristics that usually dominates the dark triad is the need for power. They like it, it defines them, and they feel fulfilled by being leaders.

However, people with dark empaths have an advantage. It can lead to a more humane sense of leadership. These people are able to bring out the best in others for the good of all. They are the leaders who inspire, participate and drive others to common success.

Vulnerable narcissism

Another characteristic of this empathic personality is a type of vulnerable narcissism. They are easily injured. They are able to understand and respect the realities of others. However, they get very upset when they hear negative comments about themselves.

Imperfect, but talented

Finally, it is interesting to see how those with dark empaths are very competent in many areas. They are skilled, they are good leaders, they attach very well to people. Of course, they still show complex features, such as typical narcissism with clear manipulative abilities.

In short, studies on this psychological construction will continue in the coming years. In a short time, we will probably know many more things about the role that people with this personality type play in society.

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