Let Go Of The Past And Embrace Your Present

Let go of the past and embrace your present

You need to open the windows. We have to take out and throw away the bookmarks we left in the middle of old books. We have to take down the pictures from the walls that no longer matter to us. Let go of everything that does not have it. Everything from the past that you no longer recognize in your present.

Try to stop taking such heavy moves. Try packing everything in smaller boxes. They achieve the same function, but without occupying so much unnecessary space. So much space that it can end up being uncomfortable and annoying. Let go of everything from the past and just hold on to what is worth holding on to. If you do not, the new things will never find a place to settle.

Imagine an endless amount of precious flowers and gold pieces responding to a storm, by seeking shelter in any old container. There are containers that are full of such harmful and useless things that there is no room to protect all the good that the storm brings. Or at least to receive a small part that can slowly illuminate the content. Do you not think it’s time to dump them?

The past has memories, the future has hope

If you have fond memories of your past, you may feel lucky. Keep all these memories, look back, and reminisce only when your strength diminishes. Look back to gather strength from what you once were and can be again. If the memories you have are not very good, if there are too many areas you do not want to return to, you are in luck. All the best has not come yet.

woman holds her mouth and cuts her hair

Now we are going to read a story that clearly exemplifies this idea: S ann wisdom lies in transforming everything you have learned from bad past experiences into something useful and functional in the present.  You have to remember that situations of extreme pain put your strength to the test. Yet, they also serve as a catalyst to help you become aware of your strengths.

Some people who have suffered from serious illnesses or important traumas in life, have forgotten all the pain and have retained the best part of the situation: resilience. This opportunity to be reborn in a non-defensive way that makes you stronger and at the same time more flexible. They know how to put the new problems into perspective and how to turn them into opportunities. They know that one day they were capable of it, and they are aware that they will be able to be there again.

The past should never be a burden but a responsibility

It is not good to carry a bottomless backpack full of guilt and things you have stumbled upon from the past. You need to give a brief moment of reflection and perhaps of grief to each discomfort. But for the lessons it brings, you need to create all the space they need for the rest of your life. This is the difference between the past that makes you sad and the past that transforms you. Calm waters have never created a good, strong sailor.

woman flying with flowers

You do not owe the past a single explanation. You just have to answer for the responsibility that its lessons have projected on your future. This applies to friendship, love, work, habits and hobbies. Many psychologists are interested in the patient’s history, not because this is relevant or determines what happens now. But rather to understand whether any actions in the present are a defense mechanism against pain that they have taken with them from their past.

On October 21, 1829, Thomas Edison lit the first light bulb, and it remained on for 48 hours. This was undoubtedly a big difference in duration from the others. Here is an interesting fact: The filament used in this light bulb was not metallic, but carbonated bamboo.

From then on, Edison continued to work on many experiments until he obtained a bulb that could offer up to 1500 hours of light without burning out. Is not this a wonderful metaphor for understanding the point where you are today?

Maybe you have also experienced countless unsuccessful attempts to turn on the light inside you with something that really fits and works in your life. If you keep trying to turn on that light while insisting on producing something that turns it off, your best invention will never work.

Instead, if you know all the formulas you’ve already tried that have  failed in the past, it’s time to let them go. Do not use them, open the door so they can leave. And while this is happening, a wave of new things will fill the space you have left empty and receptive. Some things come from the dark, but they rarely shine in it.

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