If You Fall, I Will Help You Up, If You Do Not Get Up I Will Lie Down With You

If you fall, I will help you up, if you do not get up, I will lie down with you

I stand by your side, I am your friend, your partner, your family. I am a person who loves you or I am a person you do not know who is willing to help you. Sometimes we manage to keep our distance or maybe we do not know each other, but the truth is that we have a bond that unites us. It does not really matter if there is a bond that exists or if we have to create it. If you fall, I will help you up again, I will help you to walk, and if you are unable to walk, I will sit next to you.

I understand you, I get inside your skin and your mind. I know who you are and I do not reveal your secrets. You know me and I protect you. We feel a connection between our souls. We share a life and we laugh when we look at each other. We fall and we get up again.

The importance of showing love

If I see you crying and I tell you I’m sorry for it and go my way, I’ll not show you love. If I pay for my children’s schooling but I do not pay any attention to them, I do not show them any love. If I see that my partner is having problems and I buy him a car, I do not show him love either.

If you fall, I will help you up: Heart in hand

Showing love means much more. This means that if you need it, I will also help you get up. When you help someone else, you put yourself in their position, feeling their pain, heaviness, and sadness as something that is also your own. You let the other person know that you are there for them, that you are there to prevent him or her from falling and that if the person should fall, you will be there. Helping another person should be an altruistic gesture, which is meant for the other and not yourself.

Love is not something you only show to those we know, we can also show love to people we do not know and who need it. This is love in the form of extending a hand to help, to support.

If you fall, I will help you up: The benefits of helping others

When you help other people, this is not only the person we help but also ourselves in many areas that make us grow as people. Furthermore, we will consider some of the benefits we experience when we help others:

Extends life 

According to a study published in the weekly magazine Health psychology, those who perform volunteer work live longer than those who do not. However, this only applies if this is motivated by a desire to help and not for “personal satisfaction”.

After studying 10.00 people in different age groups, Sara Konrath and her colleagues from the University of Michegan (EEUU) concluded that within a period of four years, the chances of survival were 3% higher for those who performed voluntary work.

Konrath scientifically justifies this increase in life expectancy by saying that we  deactivate the stress responses in the body when we worry about others. This releases hormones, such as oxytocin which restores the physiological function to normal.

 Promotes good mental health

It is necessary to understand that helping other people in a broad sense. By this we mean that we do not have to lock ourselves into people we know, but that we can also help people we do not know and who need it.

Woman meditating

When we perform a leisure activity, we feel a well-being that remains in the body and in our mind for a while, but when we do something that is helpful to others, we prolong the mental well-being. This is because the joy and gratitude conveyed by the person we help is something we carry with us in our memories.

Increases self-confidence

When we help other people and feel their gratitude, our self-confidence and meaning about ourselves increases. It is a great satisfaction to feel that our help is appreciated. We feel useful and that we have done something valuable.

The one who helps others becomes a more positive person

When you help others, happy and happy feelings are created. One can say that from feeling that the glass is half empty, one then feels that the glass is half full. By being helpful, you become a more optimistic person. The positive emotions that are generated when we help others are the source of our feelings of happiness.

It can therefore be said that helping others, reaching out, also helps ourselves to become better people.  We want to look at the world from a different perspective and be happier.

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