Turn Negative Thoughts Into Positive

Having negative thoughts can make us feel hopeless. Knowing how to turn them into positive ones is therefore not a need, but a tool.
Turn negative thoughts into positive ones

Having recurring negative and intrusive thoughts in our heads can make us feel like we are in a kind of black hole. We can not see the light, and we can do nothing but feel hopeless. Therefore, knowing how to turn negative thoughts into positive ones is not a need, but a tool for survival and adaptation. Learning how to achieve this, and further applying it in everyday life reduces the feeling of anxiety and allows us to look ahead.

Experts in emotional psychology say that it is allowed to have three negative thoughts in one day. At the end of the day, it’s not about seeing life through “rose-colored glass”, avoiding reality, and letting fears and worries take over. The key to this is not to let ourselves be engrossed in the thoughts that, very often, make it impossible for us to feel that we are capable of overcoming difficult situations and growing on a personal level.

You are not alone

We have all been victims of this. Sometimes we experience thoughts like “you are not worth it”, “you are going to fail”, or “it does not matter how hard you try. You will fail ”. We are all human, and it is not uncommon for our minds to wander and sabotage us once in a while.

The famous neuroradiology laboratory at the University of California has revealed that everyone experiences up to 70,000 thoughts in one day. And many of them tend to be negative, limiting and frustrating. While it may seem daunting, there is only one thing to do to overcome these thoughts. We have to accept them and turn them around. Let’s figure out how to turn negative thoughts into positive ones.

Learn how to turn negative thoughts into positive ones

A negative emotional state ends up feeding the negative thoughts it generates. This is something most of us understand but do not always perceive. The reason for this is that we do not really give ourselves enough time, or that we do not use appropriate strategies to combat these harmful emotions properly.

When we come home from work, for example, we tend to feel exhausted, bothered and worried. Because of the discomfort we experience, we prefer to ignore these feelings. We should rather try to get to the bottom of why we experience them. Some will disagree, but the truth is that the black holes we sink into will be bigger if we do not take control of the situation.

Day by day, the negative emotions continue to change our inner emotional balance and the quality of our thoughts. Discomfort and frustration give way to the mental patterns where negative and intrusive thoughts arise. If left untreated, major problems such as depression or anxiety disorders can occur.

Identify negative thoughts and accept them without refusal

In 2012, the University of Rhode Island published a very interesting study in the journal Psychology & Aging . The aim of the study was to discover how negative thoughts affected each age group. The results were very clear. It does not matter if we are young or old. These psychological realities produce anxiety and are often the triggering cause of many diseases.

The first strategy that is important for turning negative thoughts into positive ones is to know how to identify negative dialogues. This may surprise us at first, although it is very clear. Often we do not understand how subordinate we are to our intrusive and negative thoughts.

  • We need to know how to detect negative thoughts. One thing that can help with this is to keep a diary. There you can write down everything you think about during the day. This will help you become more self-aware and keep track of how you really feel.
  • Do not hide or block negative thoughts. Make an effort to accept them as they are. Once you become aware of them, it will be easier for you to turn negative thoughts around.
Before we can turn negative thoughts around, we must first become aware of them.

To turn negative thoughts, contrasts, counter-evidence and rebuttal

Is there a reason for the negative thought? Is there evidence that what I think can actually happen? You have to understand that just because it’s a thought you have does not mean it’s real. The mind can deceive us. It plays a trick on us and can be carried forward by fear or the need to remain in our comfort zone.

Keep track of your thoughts and look for evidence that demonstrates or contradicts each of the negative thoughts.

Reformulate your thought process adequately

Redefining our thoughts in a more appropriate way will help reduce some of the negativity. It is important to do it right, and not to focus on a naive or unrealistic positivity. Let’s take a look at some examples of this.

  • I’m going to get fired from my job .” So far there is no evidence that it will actually happen, I have done my job as I should. On the other hand, I also have to be prepared if that should happen. It’s important to have a plan B if they actually fire me. But, for now, I’ll keep focusing on doing a good job.
  • I do not think my partner loves me as much as they used to do .” What evidence do I have for thinking this way? If I really believe this is the case, I should have a serious conversation with my partner. I must understand that relationships require effort, commitment and commitment. I must also remember that a negative attitude can end up making things worse.
  • I’m scared, I have a feeling something terrible is going to happen .” What makes me feel that way? Is something going wrong in my life right now? I have to remember that I’m ok and that everyone around me is fine. I should distract myself by doing something I enjoy. Maybe I should start a new project or do something that motivates me.
If we learn to turn negative thoughts into positive ones, we can better enjoy all that life has to offer.

Let go of all the negative emotions and immerse yourself in a world full of positive thoughts

We pointed out something at the beginning of this article. Namely, that emotions presuppose the quality of our thoughts. A good strategy to stop a wandering mind obsessed with negative and intrusive thoughts is to embrace positive thoughts instead.

Making small changes in our daily routines can often lead to a productive change. Do not be afraid to give yourself some time – it will help you feel more relaxed. Useful techniques such as mindfulness, artistic treatments, or even just meeting new people, always provide enriching benefits.

The mind can become negative and destructive. When this happens, there is nothing better than opening the window and giving your brain some oxygen, relaxing and gaining a new perspective on things. Try to use what you have learned here to turn negative thoughts into positive ones. We should learn to control our thoughts, instead of letting them control us.

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