The Four Most Important Moments Of The Day

The four most important moments of the day

When you read the title of this article, you probably thought about the most important moments of your day. Maybe it’s the emotions they have, the positivity they give, or the intensity of the moment that makes them special.

Every day you use a certain amount of your battery. At night you need to charge it so that it works properly the next day. But what if there were instances during the day that keep us charged? What if we could recharge in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening? Why not take advantage of the power of recharging yourself with the most important moments of your day?

The most important moments of the day

Good morning

You probably find it awkward to wake up every morning to the sound of the alarm clock. It can be difficult to get out of bed, but time flies and we should cherish the most important moments. Why is it that time flies in the morning?

wake up

Taking a shower, getting the kids ready, drying your hair, making your bed … Before you leave home you have to do so many things. That’s why the way you stand up is so important. Your mood during the day depends a lot on what happens during the hour before you go to work.

If you feel exhausted, you probably do not deal with the problems that arise during the day. At the very least, not as good as you would have done if you had stood up on the right side of the bed. For example, if you are in a hurry, many things can go wrong. It is a result of absence or impatience. You may get a stain on your shirt, or forget to pick up an important document.

To avoid this, try setting the alarm clock 20 minutes earlier than normal. You should also go to bed a little earlier. Try to find your clothes for the next day, or take out the rubbish after dinner. Being organized and systematic can help you get in the best mood before you leave home, so that you remember to appreciate the most important moments.

Lunch – alone or with company?

Without a doubt, lunch is one of the most important moments of the day. It can either be exhausting, or serve as fuel that keeps us going for the rest of the day. In fact, “I did not even have time to eat today!” Is often how people express how tiring their day has been.

After a trying morning at work, lunch often follows the same rhythm. You go out to eat with your co-workers, and keep talking about work. You talk about the meeting you just had, the work you still have to do, and how much you like or dislike the boss. In other words, you do not disconnect.


Meals are the perfect time to talk about other things and share important moments. You can talk about your hobbies, tell jokes, get to know each other better. Everything that helps you enjoy your time with your colleagues in a different way. How to understand your relationships.

It can also be nice to eat alone one day a week. Or you can go out with a friend or family member. You can go home for lunch and surprise your better half. These are options that give you the opportunity to save energy in the afternoon.

Important moments for yourself

This is the special time that you enjoy just to be with yourself. A part of the day that gives you peace and allows you to enjoy what is around you. Going for a walk, reading on the train on the way home, doing yoga or meditation, talking on the phone with someone, watching a TV series, hiking, cooking…

Everyone is unique and has the time or space that makes them feel peaceful. Seek it out and take your time. Otherwise, the routine may steal it from you. Do not let that happen. In the long run, sacrificing that time can lead to anxiety, discouragement, melancholy or sadness.

read a book

See the family again at the end of the day

Although we put this at the end, it is definitely one of the most important moments during the day. It can even be the most important thing. It’s the time when you’re in the elevator or at work, and you remember smells and sounds from home.

So, when you open the door and find a smile and a hug, it all makes it worth it. Watching your kids eat lunch, or pick them up at school and talk about their day… These moments are priceless. Doing homework with them, going to work, taking them to football practice or to the cinema… These moments are precious. There is really nothing that can be compared.


Sometimes we become so preoccupied with the hustle and bustle of everyday life that we do not enjoy these important moments. They are a special kind of joy that we must be able to appreciate. Not everyone is lucky enough to taste a piece of bread or have someone waiting for them at home. So consider it a privilege and take advantage of each of these moments as if it were your first time.

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