The Difference Between Being Very Sensitive And Hypersensitive

The difference between being very sensitive and hypersensitive

Although these two things are often perceived as being the same,  being very sensitive and being hypersensitive are two very different things. 

  • Hypersensitivity is the same as being emotionally fragile and having very delicate emotions
  • Being very sensitive is a biological predisposition that makes it less difficult to identify certain types of emotions.

An example of a hypersensitive person may be a colleague at work who misinterpreted one of your gestures. In addition to getting angry and “exploding” in the middle of the office, they send a complaint about you to your boss.

When it comes to a  very sensitive person,  a good example might be that when something negative happens, a very sensitive person is  most concerned with the other person’s reaction.

woman butterfly reflecting

 Biology versus emotion

As I mentioned above, being  very sensitive is a biological tendency.  This means that it really has little to do with the emotions themselves. As much as other biological factors, being very sensitive is complicated, and it largely depends on one’s environment. 

You can be very sensitive without being hypersensitive. If you are very sensitive, it can be difficult to hurt your feelings if you have emotional skills. The point is that very sensitive people are able to perceive whether the other person’s emotional state is genuine.

This gives them tools to hurt others,  if that’s what they want, but it does not mean that it is easy to hurt them or to manipulate their feelings. If they have developed positive emotional skills, people who are very sensitive can  be a wonderful support for their family and friends.

A hypersensitive person has usually become hypersensitive due to their experiences or upbringing.  For example, they may not have had the emotional support they needed to make them strong and give them the skills needed to stand firm in this world, so  they will often end up being very influenced by others. people’s opinions  about them.


Since it can sometimes be confusing to try to distinguish hypersensitive people from very sensitive people, we want to add some aspects and explain a few of their unique characteristics.

Hypersensitive people: 

  • Is insecure.  This is because they do not understand how to distinguish between someone who attacks them and someone who makes a comment that does not intend to criticize anyone.
  • For the most part, they have not learned to cope with their emotions.  This makes them remain silent when it comes to their own feelings. That is, to the point where they can no longer hold it in, and explode. 
  • Uses negative tools such as emotional blackmail and aggression  when talking. They do this in order to feel a certain kind of superiority.
  • Is very easily influenced by what others say or do.
  • Have had negative experiences in their childhood  and during their teens that they have not recovered from. These can range from their parents divorcing to being overprotected, or perhaps being bullied or abused at home.
woman crying sad blue

Very sensitive people:

  • Has a good ability to live in other people’s situations.  While this may seem like a good thing in the first place, it can also cause some confusion. This confusion occurs if they have not had a good and strong emotional education.
  • Can grow emotionally from the people around them. This usually happens if they have not learned how to involve themselves in what is going on around them. Then everything makes them feel overwhelmed.
  • They are  very intuitive.  Both when it comes to people, animals and equipment, they are unable to grasp and understand everything with equal ease.
  • They prefer activities that can be performed alone  so as to improve the focus on their goals. Working with others can make them feel stressed if they have not learned to deal with their high level of sensitivity.
  • They are  very observant. If you have a friend who is very sensitive, he is guaranteed to be the first to notice changes. Whether it is that you have refurbished, changed your mood or the way you look,  a very sensitive person will always notice these changes.

What they have in common

One thing that very sensitive and hypersensitive people have in common  is that they should both learn to be stronger.

Remember that even if you can not change your genetics,  you can at least learn different skills  that will help you become a better person. Although hypersensitive people usually have difficulty distinguishing between certain tones and emotions,  they have a great ability to perceive stimuli that most people do not notice.

Something that can help is to  simply talk to the people around the hypersensitive and very sensitive people.  By doing so, these people learn to better understand them. If that does not work, psychotherapy is also a reasonable solution. Through therapy, certain patterns of action that one really needs for everyday actions  can be re-learned. 

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