Five Types Of Meditation And The Benefits Of Them

Discover five types of meditation and the benefits of them in this article!
Five types of meditation and the benefits of them

The benefits of meditation are many. You can meditate in different ways, since there are many different types of meditation.

Meditating is like praying or reflecting. It is often practiced in silence. Today, the definition of meditation is broader since it includes non-religious practices. It is simply a personal and intimate moment of reflection.

Types of meditation

One type of meditation may be better for you than another, depending on your goal. Although it is difficult to identify the exact number of types that exist, here we will share some of the most important.

Woman meditating.

The benefits of Buddhist meditation

The Buddha even suggested getting closer to nature to meditate, to sit on the floor or on a zafu pillow in a quiet place in nature. This type of meditation seeks to achieve a state of focus and calm.

Although there are many types of meditation in Buddhism, they all share a common goal: to attain enlightenment and nirvana.

Zen or Zazen meditation

These types of meditation are a minimalist principle that makes peace a tangible opportunity.

In Zen meditation, posture and breathing are very important. You must sit directly on a chair, cushion or bench. The legs should be crossed, and you should place one hand on top of the other. Finally, you need to start breathing deeply.

Although it seems simple, Zen meditation is actually difficult because it requires total control over your body and mind.

Transcendental meditation

Transcendental meditation is not religious and does not require a specific attitude, mental state or mantra. It is simply a matter of staying calm for a while. People who practice TM usually do it twice a day.

Woman with closed eyes.

The benefits of Vipassanā meditation

This is one of the oldest meditation techniques. Those who practice it see it as a self-cleansing process that requires you to focus on your breath and body, with the goal of understanding the universal truths of transience, suffering, and the non-self.

Taoist meditation

The goal of Taoist meditation is to make you feel all the energy stored in your body.

Other types of meditation

Guided meditation

You can find many guided meditations on social media and platforms like YouTube and Spotify. They consist in having the presence of a spiritual guide. In fact, this person will help you overcome meditation difficulties, especially if you are a beginner.

Mindfulness meditation

This type of modern meditation focuses on awareness and concentration.

The benefits of meditating outside.

The Benefits of Yoga Meditation

A good portion of yoga practice involves, starting or ending with meditation, as it is a great addition to any yoga class. It helps you reach a peaceful state, which is incredibly beneficial when practicing asanas.

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