Is It Possible To Live Life Without Friends?

Is it possible to live without friends? Does this have any consequences for our mental health? Today, many people spend their daily lives without trust, contact and friendship with other people. We analyze this in today’s article.
Is it possible to live life without friends?

Can you live without friends? Some people may answer this question by saying, “Of course you can! I’m doing it. I have no friends and I am safe. ” And of course this is true.

Lack of social ties will not kill you. Your heart will not stop and you will not fade because of this. But what kind of quality of life do you have without friends? Do you experience well-being or are you filled with feelings of emptiness?

Of course, no one will lose their life because they do not have at least one friend. In many cases, however, it will lead to sadness, disappointment and discouragement. Suffice it to say that one of the reasons people go to therapy is because of the feeling of loneliness. They are not able to build solid social bonds and have no one to talk to, laugh with and share good times with.

Humans are social beings, and their brains need that quality interaction with their fellow species to enjoy positive emotions, feel validated, and find security.

As we have already pointed out, from an evolutionary psychological point of view, it is not necessary to have friends for our survival, but it gives our lives more quality and can help us find true happiness.

Three friends.

Is it possible to live without friends?

People often say that the quality of our social relationships is nurtured by what we have experienced in our family. However, this is not entirely true.

Some people have a traumatic past due to violent or loveless parents, and have nevertheless been able to find a real “family” built on the bonds of friendship. Sometimes it even happens the other way around. Having a loving family does not guarantee, in all cases, that we will be able to achieve solid friendships.

On the other hand, and beyond all this, no one can deny that good friends color our lives. These people are found on an almost informal basis. Unlike family, they are not given to us. And almost without knowing how, they become companions, unexpected treasures that travel with us during a certain time in life or sometimes even forever.

It is true that some friends come and go. Some are fake friendships and others are real, but they can all make us better people in one way or another.

However, due to lack of social skills or disappointments in life, some people have been without friends for a long time. Therefore, the question is: Can one live without friends?

It is possible to live without friends because we live in an increasingly individualistic society

Yes, it is quite possible to live without friends. In fact, research work conducted at the University of Arizona by Dr. Melika Demir and Dr. Ingrid Davidson showed something interesting, which invites us to reflect on its significance.

They discovered that friendship helps us to experience happiness. However, this factor is not the most important for humans as a whole.

The most crucial factor is the satisfaction of basic needs, and also the feeling of being competitive. Feeling independent, having basic aspects covered such as food, work, housing, or even having a partner is all the more desirable. We can add another factor here: “floating conditions”.

As philosopher and sociologist Zygmunt Bauman would say, society is becoming increasingly individualistic. This makes ties and contact more fragile, unreliable and even elusive. Friends come and go and rarely last. While this may generate dissatisfaction, some become accustomed to it.

I do not need friends because I socialize with many people

People need to have access to daily social interaction, at least the most basic ones. Talking to colleagues at work and having conversations with neighbors or with a salesperson at the local store.

This makes us feel good, even to the point that many do not have to go any further. They do not want, and do not seek, to consolidate solid bonds that will become true friendships.

Therefore, this type of interaction is quite superficial enough for certain men and women. These people could safely say that one can really live without friends.

A sad man.

Is it harmful not to have solid friendships?

We already know that it is possible to live without friends. Many people lack this kind of bond for one reason or another, and they accept that this is how they want to spend their time. The question, however, is whether this has some sort of mental cost.

It is true that every person is different. Some will find the bond of their family or partner sufficient. Others may even feel fulfilled in loneliness.

However, this is neither normal nor recommended. Furthermore, we should take this into account: Suicide occurs more and more often in this individualistic society full of fragile conditions. Yes, it’s true that not having friends does not kill us in itself, but it does make life harder.

People need quality friendships, people they can trust to create situations where they can receive emotional nourishment. Friendship makes human existence more fulfilled, makes more sense, and offers support that has such a positive effect on mental health.

The absence of this factor creates emptiness and wounds where dissatisfaction and loneliness painfully deform our reality. Make sure you do not deprive yourself of friendship. Look for people you can share your passions with. Look for people you can grow, laugh with and spend time with. The benefits are invaluable.

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