Time Is The Most Beautiful Gift You Can Give

Time is the most beautiful gift you can give

When friends give you their time, it is important to value this, because they give you something they will never get back. When they do this, they tell you that they love you, value you and thrive with you.

However, you need to understand the difference between someone who gives you their free time and someone who creates time to be with you. You can not give them the same value, even if both situations are touching and deserve gratitude.

It’s beautiful when someone who’s really busy puts their commitments on pause to spend time with you or listen to you talk about your life. These moments must be taken care of, because they are shared with people who give of their love and who want to speak the language of emotions.

Clock and butterflies

How much is an hour of your time worth?

The darkness of the night had already subsided, but the little boy had done all he could to stay awake. And with good reason; he was waiting for his dad. His sly little eyelids were about to close when the door opened.

The boy: “Dad, can I ask you something?”
The father: “Yes, of course. What is it?”
The boy:  “How much money do you make in an hour?” He asked with his eyes closed.

His father was tired and tired and gave a very short answer.

The father: ‘You have nothing to do with it. Why are you asking me something like that? ”
Boy: “I just wanted to know, so please tell me how much you earn in an hour?”

The father: “1000 kroner an hour” he replied, annoyed.
The boy: “Oh.” –  The boy looked sad and lowered his head…  “Dad, can I borrow 500 kroner?”

Girl under a withered tree

The father was furious: “If you just want to know how much I earn, so you can ask me for money to buy a stupid toy, then you can stay in your room, not go out and think about why you are so selfish. . I work hard every day, and all I get back is such childish behavior. “

The boy quietly closed the door to the room. The man sat down and began to get even angrier over the boy’s questions. How does he dare to ask such questions just to get some money?

After an hour or so, he calmed down and began to think. Maybe it was something the boy actually needed to buy for NOK 500. After all, the boy did not ask for money very often. So he went to the boy’s door and opened it.

The father: “Are you sleeping, my boy?”
The boy: “No, Dad, I’m awake.”
The father:  “I have been thinking a little, maybe I was too strict with you. It’s been a long day, and I let it go. Here are the 500 kroner you asked me about… »- The boy sat you up, smiles.
The boy: «Oh! Thanks, Dad! ” he said, sticking his little hand under the pillow and taking out a handful of coins.

Legs driven by gears

Then he got up and took some more coins and crumpled banknotes from under the pillow. The man saw that the boy already had money, and then he got angry again. The boy counted his money slowly and finally looked up at his father.

The father: “Why do you want more money if you already have so much?”
The boy: “Because I did not have enough, but now I have it.” the boy replied enthusiastically. “Dad, now I have NOK 1,000. Can I buy an hour of your time? Please come home early tomorrow, because I want to have dinner with you. “

The father was sad. Then he wrapped his arms around the little boy and asked him for forgiveness.

Father and son

The best gift you can give with emotions: to invest your time

Never forget that the best investment you can always make will be to spend time with family and friends. Unfortunately, we often do not realize this until it is too late, and then we have lost the chance to give this gift to the people around us.

If you die tomorrow, someone will soon replace you at work. But the family and friends you leave will never be able to fill the void in their hearts that will arise when you disappear. So it is clear that no time is more valuable than the one you spend with those you love.

Be with the people who value you, who hug you, who do not lie to you and who can make you feel without touching you. Set aside time for people who deserve it and who make you feel good. Those who love you will show it sooner or later. Do not forget to put stress and obligations aside and take care of those who tomorrow did not exist.

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