How To Cope With Changes In Your Life

How to deal with change? What strategies can help you deal with it? Here are four key points that reputable specialists suggest.
How to deal with changes in your life

There is a saying that goes: “Life is like cycling. To keep your balance, you have to keep moving. ” That is the reality you face every day. You continually face changes you have to deal with, changes you have to accept and losses you have to deal with.

But how to cope with change? Is it easy? What tools can you use? Experts from different fields (psychology, coaching and business) have their opinions on this topic and suggest some strategies for how we should deal with change.

How to deal with change

Change is a normal part of life and happens almost every day. Learning and dealing with them can help you grow as a person.

However, it is not always easy to adapt to the new situations that life puts in your way, especially the unexpected ones. How do you cope with change? Here are four important ideas to help you!

Woman leaning against the wall.

Try to accept it

Life is full of experiences and obstacles. Change can pose a real threat to your stability. But the change does not have to be negative. On the contrary, it can be a great opportunity. The truth is, however, that change sometimes involves unpleasant situations and can lead to a complete restructuring of your life.

Therefore, working with acceptance can help you face change. But what does this mean? Basically, you have to adapt to a new reality every day, take the losses when they come and remember that only the present moment matters.

César Piqueras, executive coach and author, has talked about the importance of acceptance when we face change. As he confirms, “ When we accept, we choose the path of wisdom. There are no more complaints or anger, there is acceptance. With acceptance, your courage is not suppressed, nor have you given up, but you can welcome the coming change.

How to deal with change: Look ahead

Psychotherapist Demián Bucay states that in situations of change there can be greater gain than loss, but this does not mean that you do not feel pain for what you have left behind. It is normal to feel pain when you have to accept that a stage of your life is over.

But looking ahead can help you approach these types of situations consciously and calmly. The past does not come back, but you have a gift, often full of opportunities, that allows you to build your future.


César Piqueras suggests that there are four ways to handle change: objecting and complaining, giving in, accepting and changing. This article focuses on the last two, which are the most adaptive (although giving in can also sometimes be adaptive).

We already mentioned the strategy of acceptance. Piqueras says that the change strategy allows you to win more, as you go beyond just complaining or giving in. You move forward when you are willing to change what you do not like.

While it may sound repetitive, another adaptive way of dealing with change is to intervene when you deem it necessary. It is true that changes sometimes give you little room to change the course of events. However, you can do it sometimes, so it’s worth remembering. And if not, you can always change the way you look at events or even yourself.

How to deal with change: Be aware

Business coach Ignacio Martinez suggests that when you face change, you need to be aware of what you intend to do with it. If there is a change you have not chosen, allow yourself to feel all the emotions around the situation (sadness, anger, rage, etc.) and start accepting it when you feel ready.

Ignacio also points out that it can be beneficial to be aware of the consequences of not changing, as well as the possibilities of the new situation or context. Although he mainly focuses on businesses, it can also be transferred to other areas.

Desperate woman.

The importance of flexibility and awareness

As you can see, there is no way to deal with change. In fact, each person must find their own way or use one of the above strategies, depending on the situation. Not all changes in life are the same. There will be important changes such as getting married, emigrating or losing a loved one. And there will also be others of minor importance such as changing gyms or making a new friend. What matters, however, is how you value each type of change and how you decide to face the new reality. Having the necessary tools can help you through life. You need mental flexibility, a good dose of awareness and above all the understanding that life gives you the chance to start anew every single day.

Giorgio Nardone, strategic psychotherapist and psychologist, and philosopher Paul Watzlawick says that all change is a process, an art and a constant stream of thoughts, feelings and ideas. You will succeed if in this stream you adopt a flexible, conscious and open perspective.

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