Important Lesson: How Can We Deal With Losing?

Important lesson: how can we deal with losing?

Do you let your child win every time so they never have to lose? Even if you think it’s the right thing to do, it will to always let them win giving them false success. In fact, your child has already discovered this and has told you on several occasions, “Dad! Do not let me win, play properly! ” I’m sure the first time he said that you were shocked! He wants the challenge you are trying to avoid.

Even if it seems silly, the truth is that with this attitude you are preventing your child from growing. You prevent her from maturing and find that sometimes she wants success, while other times she does not want to win. Because of this, learning to lose weight is very important at a young age. We can not always win, and knowing how to accept both results will be very useful for the future.

Do you let your child win because you are afraid they will be upset?

Without a doubt, in most cases you  let your child win because you are afraid that their self-esteem will deteriorate. You think that your child will be sad and will be hurt by a series of losses. But all you do is stop them from going through the wonderful experience of learning to lose. By learning that they must improve and overcome challenges to win.

The statement that “you have to know how to lose” is appropriate. When you use it, it allows you to overcome barriers, conflicts and problems that always appear when you least expect it. But none of this would be possible if you constantly let your child win. He will lose an opportunity if you pretend to lose, when there is zero chance that he would have won. How can you handle the fact that you feel bad about fashion if you win every game?

A family fishing together

Giving your child an advantage

One way to do this is to give your child an advantage. This way you will be sure that you are on the same level as her. You can also think about the difficulty level of the game. There are some games that children are still too young to play. In this type of game, it is a good idea to play in teams. By playing together, you can be a support in their learning.

If your child is experiencing what it is like to lose, you will have a perfect opportunity to teach them how to deal with loss. For example,  you can show him that it is more important to enjoy the moment than to focus on the end result. In this way, the end will not be the determining factor. You will have taught your child to focus on how they feel throughout the experience.

The importance of learning to deal with losing

It is very important that your child experiences what it means to lose. Let them learn how to face loss with integrity and not collapse when it happens. In this way, they will learn not to get  angry  with others, and will be able to recognize their attempts and success. Often, in these losses, we learn how to do better next time.

Learning how to lose will make the child not believe that losing is a door that suddenly closes. She will see it as an opportunity to improve,  mature and grow in the areas where she needs to develop. He will be able to tolerate frustration more easily. Instead of letting himself be dragged down by opponents and enemies, he will learn how to use losses to become stronger.

A boy by a window

No doubt the child will see that when they lose, they share part of the responsibility for what happened. This is also the case when reality does not meet their expectations. It will be an opportunity to learn not to blame others. The child will see that it has nothing to do with luck and happiness. This way  , they will see that their mistake is an opportunity to do things right. They will look at it as an opportunity to change or a chance to improve something they have not done so well. 

The wonderful experience of losing

If you let your child win, you will prevent them from enjoying the wonderful experience that,  even if it seems negative, is very necessary. Sooner or later you will face difficulties that you have to solve. If you have not learned how to lose weight, how can you expect to behave with integrity and maturity? How do you know how to tolerate losses in more important situations than a game?

Whether you win or lose, you will always learn something. The most important thing is the road we take and that we know how to enjoy everything along the way. Therein lies the true value of all learning. Do not worry if your child is upset because he lost. Because, in the end, it’s just a game. Your child will get over it very soon. If she learns to accept the result properly, whatever it is, you will lay a good foundation. This will allow your child to overcome all kinds of challenges that may arise in the future.

A boy on his father's shoulders

Photos: Pascal Campion

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