6 Tips To Avoid Waking Up Tired

6 tips to avoid waking up tired

Do you feel that waking up tired is something you often do? As if you absolutely needed to sleep a few more hours? It is possible that even if you go to bed early to get a good night’s sleep still woke up tired. The time you actually sleep is certainly very important to wake up with a feeling of being rested. However, there are other tips and advice you can follow to get this feeling that you may not be aware of.

In this sense, let’s assume that the importance of sleep is often underestimated. The negative effects of little sleep have on memory, how quickly we become irritated and the feeling of being speechless is not recognized.

If we read some studies that have investigated the case, we will soon discover that, for example, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that everyone sleeps at least 6 hours every day.  The organization further says that diet and physical activity are important factors that affect how well we sleep. WHO emphasizes that sleep is not a pleasure, but a necessity as it affects our ability to work and how exhausted we feel.  

Woman turns off alarm clock

6 tips to avoid waking up tired

Fortunately, there are many  adjustments you can make in your lifestyle. These can help you avoid waking up tired, fighting fatigue and regaining your energy.  Based on this, we will here give you some advice on what you can do to start the day with more energy. Keep this in mind, as it can affect how well you feel!

Include healthy foods in your diet

To avoid  waking up tired  and gaining more energy, we recommend that you  focus especially on foods that contain magnesium and iron,  such as nuts, fish and vegetables.

Breakfast is a very important meal. A bowl of cereal or a slice of bread can start your digestion again and help your body wake up.

2. Do not eat dinner right before going to bed

It takes time to digest a meal.  Therefore, you should try to eat every three or four hours during the day and avoid large meals when the evening comes.

While this may not seem so important at first glance, it is undoubtedly  an important tip to avoid waking up tired.  Remember that eating dinner just before bedtime will prevent you from falling asleep. Your body needs to be active to digest the food you just ate.

3. Do not drink coffee during the afternoon

Although many of us need to drink coffee to get through the day, it has been proven that drinking coffee after 2pm can affect sleep.  Caffeine can definitely reduce the quality and quantity of sleep and thus cause you to wake up tired.

If you are addicted to coffee then you can still breathe a sigh of relief. We do not intend to take your morning coffee.  We only recommend that you change your habits and be careful not to drink caffeine after lunch. This is precisely because it can affect you when you go to bed at night.

Coffee cup

4. Do not use electronic devices

Electronic devices stimulate the brain and keep us awake.  You should keep in mind that the light from these devices can change your melatonin levels. This is the hormone responsible for controlling our sleep cycles.

Due to this, we recommend that  you do not use electronic devices before going to bed.  This includes computers and telephones. Instead, divert your thinking to good things in life, such as reading a book.

5. Include exercise in your morning routine

It may sound like it is against its purpose, but it is one of the tips to avoid bad sleep. Exercising regularly can help you balance your hormones,  which will improve your resistance to insulin and help you sleep, which in turn is important for raising your energy levels.

Your body was made to move. Therefore, a lack of activity and movement can create  problems with mood as well as sluggishness and fatigue. 

Woman exercising

6. Follow a schedule for sleep

One of the tips to avoid waking up tired is to follow a plan for when to sleep and when to get up. Remember that following a regular routine makes the body aware of when to sleep and when to be active. In the same way,  keeping a sensible schedule will  help you promote a better quality of sleep, as long as you sleep more than you should minimally.

Maybe you are already doing one or more of these things, but if not you now have a 6-point list to follow that can help you sleep better. Achieving this will not only improve your quality of life, but also  give you more energy to meet the challenges you give yourself. 

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