Gratitude And Its Power Against Deep Sadness

Gratitude and its power against deep sadness

Gratitude is a virtue that has been forgotten by many. This forgetfulness increases as society forces us to be more selfish, to take everything for granted and not to value what we have. The more selfish we become, the less we are able to experience the outside world. We become less able to notice the simplicity and beauty that reigns in the world.

When we just focus our gaze inward, we lose the integrity of the perspective on life. We ignore the nuances of our existence. We often forget our human condition. We get lost in the boring routine dance, in the “concrete steps towards a normal adult life “, in living to work… and we forget that we exist in this world.

The latest version of perfected practice-based autopilot controls our lives and controls our steps. We become blind and ignorant to external beauty. We decided that this is not worth our time long ago, without realizing that we had made that decision. We do not have time.” There is always a place to be and something to do. I only have the resources to hurry in this maze that society has built for me.

Woman turns off alarm clock

Gratitude enriches the meaning of our existence

We tend to forget nature and the lessons it offers us. Thus, we exist only to take a series of previously established and perfectly organized steps. There are people who go into this spiral and do not even notice it. It is as if they have pressed the button and turned off everything that connected them to life (in all its extension and depth).

Many times, deep sadness has to do with the lack of gratitude for the small gifts that life offers us. It has to do with a perspective that has been reversed, from the inside out. A gaze that does not consider anything beyond itself. Therefore, the pain will be very intense, since we can not use the external world to help in our survival.

An open window that shows a beautiful landscape.

To take something for granted, assume that the people around us will stay independent of our behavior… Assume that the things our parents do for us are something “parents must do” and not appreciate it… Going into this type of perspective reinforces our tunnel vision .

Gratitude weakens our senses and increases our dissatisfaction

When we realize that we have entered this spiral of ingratitude (which is so easy to get into and widespread in our current society), we will have a better idea of ​​its destructive power. It’s like we’re in a hurricane that destroys everything it touches. Gratitude turns us into people who are selfish and insensitive to others.

Our senses are destroyed when we take things in our lives for granted without appreciating or being grateful for them. We tend to focus more on what we do not have, rather than appreciating what we have. We only believe in what life “should” give us. Thus, as we feed and nurture these thoughts, we will increase the sense of dissatisfaction we feel in our lives.

The grief becomes easier to bear and will even disappear when we perform a simple exercise. It consists of being grateful for the things we have, and for the things we think are ours because we are entitled to them. Being grateful for good gestures from the people around us and focusing on the messages that nature offers us are two good examples.

Girl hugs three

The sadness will disappear when we appreciate what life gives us

Do not let a single day go by without seeing what is around you. We talk about the simplicity that nourishes our daily lives in a sneaky, quiet way. Things that bring smiles to our faces. A smile of curiosity or one brought out by silliness, but a smile nonetheless.

From the heat that comes directly into our hearts when our dog is happy to see us… to surprise or during caused by the growth of a seed  that we planted in a pot. Gratitude saves our lives. It sensitizes us and transforms us into wonderful life companions. Companions who show us the beauty and goodness of the world around us. If you embrace life just as it is, you embrace gratitude. And gratitude will lighten and soothe even the most troubled soul.

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