Express Your Love For Those Who Are No Longer Here

When someone we love dies, society quickly forgets it and expects us to move on. Sometimes this can be very difficult.
Express your love for those who are no longer here

When a loved one dies, the love we feel for them does not. Although we must now mourn their death, it is also necessary to express our love for those who are no longer with us in this process.

Everyone knows that it is a personal mourning process, but it is also a social one. It has to do with funerals, condolences, guest visits, etc. Currently, this process is incredibly short. People assume that in a few days you will be ready to return to your “normal” life, and that you must do everything you can to forget. You must try to put aside the difficult experience you are experiencing because long or very intense grief bothers other people.

Sometimes you are able to adapt to these social demands, and in a short time you resume your daily routine. You may feel like crying after watching a beautiful sunset, but you hold back. It can also happen that something in you is reluctant to say goodbye, and it begins to be very difficult to live with yourself and others. It is possible that in both cases we need to express our love for those who are no longer with us.

Honor those who are no longer here

Strictly speaking , none of the people we loved have died. Some of them always live inside us, even if we are not aware of it. Each of us is inhabited by these presence, even though they are perceived as absence. Our love does not die either.

Human fathers into birds

That is why there has always, in all cultures, been a set of traditions to honor people who have died. In the West, it was common to visit the tomb, bring them flowers and pray. People don’t really do this anymore. Cemeteries are not a place where people want to be. In reality, we have run out of ways to express our love for our loved ones who have passed away.

The things we do to honor the dead are not just conventional. They are ways of expressing our love for those who are no longer here. It seems like it would be much more accurate to say that these things are rituals that help us understand their absence. They help us remember them, even though it may hurt.

Express your love for those who are no longer here

Being stuck in our pain is as harmful as turning our blind eye to it. Those who are no longer here, especially if we loved them deeply, or if they played a vital role in our lives, are still here with us.

They come back to us when we feel lonely and also when we grieve. They suddenly return, in the form of a sadness that does not go away or of a feeling of helplessness that becomes dizzy. Therefore, all previous cultures honored those who died. They knew it was very important to express their love for them.

Female face with birds

Although it is said that humans are fundamentally present , and this is largely true, it may be more accurate to say that we are, above all, past . We are a story that continues to be told, day after day. Therefore, it is important not to forget those who came before us.

How can you express your love to those who are no longer here?

One of the most beautiful traditions in the world is the Day of the Dead in Mexico. It is a celebration that is halfway between a ritual and a carnival. Every November 1st, people remember their loved ones who have passed away. Pictures of them are exhibited and they become the main characters in the world of the living again.

The Mexicans write letters to them, set up altars and pray for them. They also go to cemeteries and sing for their loved ones. They make these spirits visible and talk to them. And they honor them by declaring that it is impossible to forget them.

Altar in honor of those who are no longer here

We should all have our own rituals to honor those who died and express our love for them. In this way we can understand that we still have an affectionate bond with those who can not even break death.

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