The New Psychology Has Arrived

The new psychology has arrived

The new psychology has arrived, and psychology is not the same as it once was. Doubts about its scientific integrity have been buried after many years of study. Psychology is taking shape, and it is something that any  psychologist or patient will agree is a good thing. 

Over the diagnostic labels that drive therapeutic work, psychology today wants to be somewhat more holistic. If you think that you need help to tread more easily, without the weight of guilt, sadness or something that presses you down on your shoulders, you can take advantage of the new psychology.

The new psychology: New perspectives

Without forgetting the scientific rigor, the main objective of new psychological therapies is not just to cure mental disorders. Psychological treatment is becoming more and more eclectic. It seeks to provide each patient with the resources he or she needs to make their problems no longer such a negative force in their lives, so that each person can find their strengths and their spirituality.

Sometimes it  is not about eliminating problems, but rather about strengthening their own strengths. The more we stress over the idea that something is wrong with us, that we need to change something right now, the more anxious and small we feel about the burden of making a  change.

the new psychology shows brains being connected

Eclecticism that heals

Psychoanalysis has contributed to important concepts when it comes to the relationship between patient and therapist. Behaviorism has given us the tools to develop certain patterns of behavior, and the cognitive model has given us an answer to the question: why do we process information the way we do and why does the way we think we suffer?

All these movements in psychology, in addition to the lesser known but equally important ones (such as existential psychology,  Gestalt therapy, the systematic model and so on), have given us extremely useful tools to be able to develop a successful form of therapy.

The sum of psychology and the patient’s potential

There are many specific problems that need to be solved with a special form of therapy,  such as with sleep, specific phobias, panic disorder and so on. However, most people go into therapy for less specific reasons. Maybe they want to feel better, or lower the level of stress or bitterness they feel, or maybe they are looking for an existential perspective that will give them a more fulfilling life? The list is long.

the new psychology, two faces

To do this, many different tools from all the classical directions in psychology must be integrated while the aspects that are in focus in therapy nowadays are included: values, experience avoidance, one’s relationship with their thoughts and feelings. We should also reconceptualize human  suffering  again, and learn something from Eastern philosophy.

Feeling good is much better than not feeling bad

Feeling good is not a requirement or an imposition. Understanding that you can walk without feeling so much is the first step towards moving forward and forming positive emotions with each and every step. New psychological therapies want to connect the patient with their feelings and thoughts  to change their role in life.

If we consider our thoughts and feelings as an observer who sees it from the outside, we will realize that everyone is fulfilling an important function, rather than wanting to escape the second they arise. They are part of our nature; we feel good when we live fully in the present, without being upset by a desire for something else.

the new psychology is sprouting

When this happens, we feel that everything fits, and we no longer fight for life. Instead, we float with life when the things we do are in line with our  values  and priorities. The new psychology seeks to change the focus, and to place more emphasis on people, and to identify and use their strengths  so that they can overcome their difficulties.

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