Crying Of Joy: The Four Types Of Tears Of Joy

When was the last time you felt like crying for joy? Few experiences are more intense, healing and comforting. So do not hold back. There are four types of tears of joy, and it is worth experiencing them all!
Crying of joy: The four types of tears of joy

Crying with joy connects you to life, people and your most enriching emotions. Letting yourself experience these intense emotions does you good. You should not suppress them. Do not hide the emotions that allow you to experience something inspiring or that connect you to someone you love.

When was the last time you cried because you were carried away by a moment of happiness? If you can not remember, you should think about making some changes in your life. In fact, tears of joy mean the peak of well-being and are the essence of positive and enriching moments. It is actually an exercise in happiness when you nurture and encourage such moments.

Interestingly, science reveals that there are four types of positive tears. Knowing how to identify them means becoming aware of each type. Therefore, you will be able to nurture every single emotion and enjoy your life, your relationships and the world around you much more.

A happy woman.

Crying for joy is cleansing

Why do people cry? If you asked that question to a passerby on the street, they would probably say “Because they are sad and because it allows them to vent grief and inner suffering.” In fact , many believe that crying is related to the bad aspects of life, such as emotional and, of course, physical pain.

However, there are also tears of joy that you experience when something really pleases you. In fact, crying is part of being human, and on average you cry more out of happiness than heartache.

Studies such as those conducted by Dr. Oriana R. Aragon of Yale University suggest that crying has no purpose other than to be cleansing.

Tears make certain points in life more intense and they act as natural painkillers. In fact, crying with both sadness and joy releases endorphin enkephalin. This has the function of reducing pain and promoting a feeling of well-being.

Another interesting theory about tears of joy is that when you cry, the brain does not know if it is sad or happy tears. For the brain, both emotions are high intensity, and both activate the parasympathetic nervous system to make you relax. It does this by releasing acetylcholine, a type of neurotransmitter that activates your tears.


Crying of joy: the different types

There is more and more research on this topic. In fact, a new study at Cornell University revealed that there are four types of tears of joy. So there are four situations driven by positive emotions that make you cry.

Tears of love

Love is the most overwhelming feeling. You can so easily experience the exciting feeling where a sudden word, gesture, hug or shared moment makes you cry.

The same thing happens with tenderness. For example, when you hug a baby or your pet is something exceptionally sweet, and between your laughter you cry.

The excitement of triumph

When you win a game or a race or any sporting event. Or when you achieve victory, overcome adversity, pass exams or get the job after an interview.

Tears of joy can also occur on the occasions you achieve something after sacrificing a lot of time and effort. Doing it better than expected is actually intensely exciting.

Inspiration and beauty: Tears for what inspires and captivates

The sunrise over the sea. Views of a uniquely beautiful place. Seeing your favorite artwork. To go to the theater to enjoy a play that leaves you speechless with joy.

Go to a concert with your favorite singer or band and hear the piece of music that pleases you. In fact , the tears of joy are nurtured by the aesthetic, the natural and the cultural.

Tears of joy and common laughter

There is nothing more satisfying than crying with laughter. Laugh out loud with all the people you love. Laugh until the ribs hurt. Literally laugh until you cry. Could there be anything better?

Probably not. Because it is in those moments when true joy and positive emotions flow together with a sense of humor that you find true happiness.

It is worth reflecting on how long it has been since you cried in any of the above situations. Love, humor, inspiration, personal satisfaction… All these elements map and establish real mental well-being. You have the ability to promote such positive emotional moments, and they are within reach. You should try to experience some every day.

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