Couvade Syndrome Or Sympathetic Pregnancy

Couvade syndrome is a condition that causes some men to have pregnancy symptoms when their female partner is expecting a baby.
Couvade syndrome or sympathetic pregnancy

Although most psychological articles focus on known mental disorders such as depression and anxiety, there are many psychological problems that can be equally or more disabling. One of the strangest is Couvade syndrome, also known as sympathetic pregnancy.

This syndrome manifests itself in those who are about to become fathers for the first time and causes them to have many typical pregnancy symptoms. In this article, we will look at the most common symptoms of this syndrome, as well as possible causes.

Couvade Syndrome: What is it?

Couvade syndrome is a condition that causes some men to have pregnancy-like symptoms when their female partner is expecting a baby. Although no one knows the exact cause of this syndrome, it is believed that it may be related to excessive empathy for the woman’s pregnancy  and the organic changes that said empathy may produce.

This condition significantly alters the hormones of the men who suffer from it. In fact, recent studies have found that the testosterone levels of those affected are reduced in most cases, while prolactin (one of the most important pregnancy-related hormones) increases.

Experts distinguish this condition from other mental disorders such as psychological pregnancy. The latter occurs only in women. However, both are classified as psychosomatic disorders, that is, disorders in which the mind produces real bodily changes.

Couvade Syndrome

The most common symptoms

The symptoms of this condition usually manifest around the first trimester of pregnancy and usually disappear when the baby is born. Therefore, and because it does not pose a real health risk, Couvade syndrome is not considered a serious problem.

However, most of the symptoms that this condition causes can be quite bothersome. Some of the most common are:

  • Morning sickness.
  • Mood swings,  increased irritability and increased emotional sensitivity.
  • Desire and food and smell version.
  • Sudden changes in weight (weight gain and / or weight loss)
  • Intestinal problems such as diarrhea, gas or abdominal pain.
  • Abdominal pain similar to contractions.

Possible causes of Couvade syndrome

Hormonal changes

Some experts believe that the hormonal changes that a pregnant woman experiences in turn can affect the man’s hormones, which explains why there is a decrease in testosterone and an increase in prolactin.

Excessive empathy

Some studies suggest that men who tend to put themselves in their partner’s shoes excessively are more likely to show symptoms of this syndrome. This means that the man’s willingness to share the burden or his desire to participate actively in the pregnancy can cause this condition.


Anxiety and stress

A pregnancy represents an important change in a couple’s life. Thus, it can be a stressful situation that can trigger anxiety in the father. Too much anxiety is related to a reduction in testosterone levels. Researchers suggest that this may explain some of the symptoms of this condition.


Finally, some psychologists suggest that men who suffer from this syndrome may feel jealous of either the mother (because they feel a new life is multiplying inside them) or the child (since they will no longer be the most important person in the partner’s life). ). This jealousy can cause the suffering since it is a bit of an unconscious way for them to get attention.

Although it can be quite annoying, Couvade syndrome is not dangerous at all. Remember that contacting a mental health professional can put you on the right track to overcome it if you suffer from it.

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