7 Useful Topics For Conversation

7 useful topics for conversation for any situation

Conversations are our most important way to get to know other people, and for them to get to know us. Many people say that it is an art, and they are right, because not everyone knows how to create an interesting conversation. And even more so these days, when face-to-face encounters are more rare and words tend to be extremely synthetic. A good conversation should deal with topics that arouse the interest of both parties. There is nothing more boring than talking to someone whose sole purpose is to hold on to a topic, or who is only interested in convincing the other person that they are right about a particular topic. For it to be a real conversation, both parties should really have the opportunity to listen and talk. There are useful topics of conversation that never fail to start a good conversation. They revolve around issues that interest most people, and are also topics that almost everyone can participate in. They are small “helpers” who facilitate the interaction between people and create an atmosphere that contributes to trust. Here are 7 very useful conversation topics for any situation.

Useful Conversation Topics: Childhood

A conversation about childhood is not only entertaining, but also allows you to dive deep into another person’s life. Childhood is a stage that leaves a big impression on people’s lives. No matter how difficult or hard it may have been, there are always wonderful and touching stories that we all enjoy sharing.

Children eat cotton candy

Ideally, the conversation should focus on childhood anecdotes. We have all the things to tell about our first years at school, our first friends, the toys we enjoyed, the people we admired, the times we were caught on the peach, and the times we got away with it! There is no shortage of material!

2. Travel anecdotes

Even if the other person almost never leaves their house, there is always a trip he or she can remember. The trip is always a journey into the unknown, which is why they always provide many discoveries, surprises and knowledge. Talking about travel is always fun.

This topic has an added bonus: we can share information that will be useful to others. It is not just about sharing experiences, but we can provide and receive information that can be used on future trips. It also gives you the opportunity to get to know people very well. It gives you clues as to what they think about change and trying new things.

3. Movies and books

When it comes to useful topics of conversation, movies are another of those that no one finds difficult to have an opinion on. To talk about movies, you do not have to be a movie buff. We have all at one time seen a movie that has touched us, made us cry with laughter, or that has shown us some form of truth to help us in our lives.  Cinema is a meeting point and also the starting point for many friendships.

Movie scene

Of course it is possible to talk about TV as well. There have been so many series over the years that have had millions of followers. There are also soap operas, channels or documentaries that have been seen by many people. Every good program has points you can talk about and argue about, and this can give rise to very interesting conversations.

4. Music

Who does not like music? It is an art that has been with us almost since man came into being. We can find it in all cultures and in every time period. It is clearly a universal language that encompasses every social level, race, religion and ideology. Two people can think very differently in many aspects, but at the same time they completely agree on musical taste.

If you want to have a nice conversation, you do not have to dive too much into genres, interpretations and techniques. Music brings us together when everyone can freely express their tastes and preferences. We can talk about what music awakens in us or tell stories about how music has played an important role in our lives.

5. Pets and animals

Humans have lived with domestic animals for thousands of years. Some people like parrots, others like fish, and many people love dogs and cats. They are not just an object in the house, but they become a part of your life, your family and your emotions. Talking about pets will always lead to a good conversation.

Cat in the window

At the same time, we have all heard or read stories about animals. We are fascinated by their behavior and their lifestyle. We are interested in knowing more about them, often so that we can compare them with ourselves. It is very rare that the animal does not create a good conversation. In addition, it also gives us an idea of ​​how each of us is connected to different living beings.

6. Food and drink

Talking about the foods we like and dislike are usually very entertaining and useful topics of conversation. For example, explain why you like mushrooms that are fried in butter, and give good reasons not to eat spinach. It may seem a bit trivial, but in reality it is something that affects the most human and daily parts of our lives. It is interesting to share experiences about exotic foods that we have tried at some point in our lives. We can also tell other food-related stories, such as when you were offered something strange and you did not even know how to eat it. Or when you tasted something delicious and then you found out that it was something disgusting. When it comes to food and drink, everyone has a say.

7. Sports and hobbies

There is probably not a single person in the world who does not have a hobby. We all have free time, and in these moments we spend time doing the things we like best. Some people do it more consciously, while others do not. But the truth is that we all like to do some “free” activity, whether it’s looking for plants, watching TV or looking out the window.

Woman exercising

It is also common for most people to have a favorite sport, whether they are playing it or are just a spectator. Since sports are usually competitive, some conversations can become controversial, and therefore you should be tactful when working on this topic.

Finally, all useful conversation topics that lead to a pleasant conversation are prerequisites that allow us to get to know others. And for them to get to know us. It is always worth listening to others. People contribute a lot to your life by the simple act of spending time with you. It is always worth talking about your stuff to others as well. No conversation is insignificant, because it somehow connects you to the world and to those who live in it.

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