The Taoist Concept Wu Wei: The Art Of Not Acting

Wu Wei suggests an easy way to live, because then you achieve peace and harmony. Read on to learn more.
The Taoist concept Wu Wei: The art of not acting

Wu Wei is a Taoist concept that means “not to act”. There is a philosophy that says that the best way to handle a situation, especially a conflict, is not to act at all. Furthermore, do not force any solution, but just let things flow.

Most of us find a philosophy that teaches us not to act strange. We live in a society that continually encourages us to do the opposite. In fact, we live a life full of things to do, emotions and thoughts. And when we do nothing, we feel strange. We think it’s just a waste of time.

The philosopher Lao Tzu wrote Tao Te Ching 25 centuries ago. This philosopher explained that the best way to live was by harmonizing with the currents and cosmos of nature. This is the main idea of ​​Wu Wei: to let things take their natural course and adapt to it.

The values ​​and virtues found in Wu Wei

Wu Eei suggests an easy way to live, because then one achieves peace and harmony. This simplicity means not being too attached to ambitions and desires, since they are the greatest sources of chaos and suffering, and do not lead to increased insight.

Leaves float on the water

Simplicity helps us to live in a more peaceful way. This is impossible when we are focused on achieving great things. It is about appreciating what we are and what we have instead of complaining about what we are not or do not have.

In the same way , Wu Wei argues that simplicity helps us accept things as they are, not resist the course of events, or pretend to take control of them. These are values ​​and attitudes that go against the Western mentality, but which cultivate greater emotional balance.

Wu Wei and profits

Wu Wei also draws attention to the fact that the surplus of things is the main source of problems. Contrary to many people’s beliefs, it is not the mistakes but the excesses that make us feel more anxious. Therefore, the practical elements of Wu Wei concentrate mainly on four points:

  • Accept the fact that you are creating problems. Problems do not arise from nothing. They are created by our actions and by our thoughts.
  • Do not make a mental effort to solve problems. Do not stick them in your mind or create solutions for them. The idea is to let them resolve themselves and not take them seriously.
  • Learn to appreciate the natural flow of things. This means adopting an attitude of non-action in relation to circumstances without thinking that you should intervene.
  • Let your mind flow. Do not try to give your mind a specific direction or focus. Just let them follow their own course.
man looking at sea

Wait and see: not shopping may be the best choice

One of the principles of Wu Wei is to learn to wait and see. It is based on the idea that energy must be saved  for actions without any new direction. Those who wait for the right time will know both how to act with great caution and also with great energy, since they have not wasted it on insignificant measures.

Furthermore, anyone who knows how to wait and see can solve any situation with great ease. It does not involve work. This does not mean negligence or passivity, but rather harmony with the natural flow of events. We must emphasize that nothing remains unchanged. It is actually quite the opposite. What exists is constantly changing, with or without individual actions.

What we mean is that one must not resist an event. Some of our actions cause us to resist. This generates a negative force that can be counterproductive. Instead of helping us save our energy, it causes us to injure ourselves in this struggle. The goal is to let everything happen naturally, without resisting or fighting against it.

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