Your Name .: The Japanese Film Of Traditions, Trends And Myths

What is the message of the movie Your Name? Discover it here!
Your name .: The Japanese film of traditions, trends and myths

The animated Japanese film Your name. (Kimi no Na wa) can cause a severe reaction in some people. But this film can also lead to an awakening. The beauty of the pictures and the universality of the story make it an exciting film that appeals to emotions.

This is an animated film that premiered in 2016. The animator Makoto Shinkai, who inspired the film, directed it.

Your name. is up to this point, the most lucrative animated Japanese film in the film industry. Other than all the accolades, what is attributed to the great success?

The fact is that Your name. is a film that can fascinate all types of audiences. This includes those who reacted negatively to the preview of the film.

The message that the film delivers is universal and appeals to emotions and love. In addition, it is an example of Japanese traditions.

In fact, if we look at it from the Western perspective, we will not be able to understand the whole meaning. Beyond the love story or the connection between two young people, Your name shows . us what constitutes Japanese mythology. Because of this, the film is more important to the Japanese audience.

The message of the film

Although we do not understand the full size of the message at the heart of the film, it is a universal story that we take in and that will fascinate us. It is important not to be skeptical before you see your name . Often, many people realize performances and audiovisual content cause them to reject a movie without giving it a chance.

The main characters in the film are two young people. However, the film does not attempt to paint a picture of a happy life stage or dive deep into the problems of this age group. At the same time, it is not an animated film exclusively for children. It has a good script and of course exceptional images. The animation seems like photography and connects to the story.

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Your name .: Tradition and the modern world

The film begins to introduce us to Mitsuha, a young woman living in a small town called Itomori. Tired of how boring life in the small towns is, she decides to move to Tokyo.

Her wishes, as thoughtless as they seem, can sometimes come true. Mitsuha begins to have strange dreams where she leaves her body and life in the countryside. In these dreams she becomes a young person living in Tokyo.

Soon we discover that Taki is a real person, and that these dreams are very vivid. Sometimes they switch two bodies. In other words, Taki occasionally wakes up in Mitsuha’s body and vice versa.

These exchanges continue to occur more frequently, and teens begin to leave messages on their cell phones with their daily activities. Even now it is still a place of imagination.

The fact that there seems to be more technology reinforces that vision. Imagination and reality tend to combine on screen. These exchanges connect a connection to a dream world and with the night. In the dream world, anything is possible. During the night, magical things happen.

A drawing of two girls, one eating.

Your name .: The old and the new

In many traditions, people associate dawn with magical and supernatural events. This ray of light that separates day from night is a line between different words. Furthermore, it is like a moment that combines reality with fiction or life with death. In fact, we see in the film that the idea of ​​dawn is often mentioned.

In Itomori, ancient traditions continue to appeal to humans. We see Mitsuha preparing sake the old fashioned way. Which means chewing the rice grains and then spitting them out to let them ferment. In the Japanese tradition, young female virgins prepared sake, which had magical properties. In the film we see how it is related to the gods.

During the two main scenes in the film, Tokyo and Itomori are explained. Tokyo is one of the most modern and technological cities in the world, but it is in a country plagued with the origins of the death myth.

We often forget this culture and that Japan is not just the city of Tokyo. However, this country is much more than just a great city. Even Mitsuha has a totally idealized image of the big city and rejects its origins.

Your name. combines tradition and modernity and does this through the main characters and the story it tells. Beyond the body exchange, the action takes a new direction at the time when both main characters want to find each other. At this point it goes in a new direction and takes us on an impossible quest.

A ray of light in the dark that goes towards a lake, a beautiful scene from Your name

The legend of the common thread

In the field of fantastic literature, the impossible can be expressed. Still has Your name . some aspects that make it difficult to support feasibility and can cause confusion for the viewer. Jumping from one scene to another may seem strange. Of course, if we look for empty arguments, we find more than one.

The film fills these gaps with the support of Japanese myth, which has the elements of magic and amazing events. Your name. is worth seeing. For example, the quality of the animation is fantastic, the scenes are very detailed, and at times they are even close to the accuracy of photographs. It is neither rational nor logical, but it appeals to emotions and includes magic and love.

Eastern culture

In Eastern tradition, it is an ancient legend that connects people with the help of a red thread. This is a thread that is unseen, but unbreakable. It can be tangled or stretched, but never smoked, and it connects people from birth to eternity. No matter what happens, the people connected at the end of the thread are determined to find each other.

The film speaks directly to this legend, which appears at the beginning. One of the oldest traditions is the woven thread. Similarly, Mitsuha always carries a red rope, and he throws it to Taki at a certain time. It also gives an awareness of another known place and time.

In the West, it is the mystery of mental attraction. Although we may not know the Asian legend, the common thread in the film is visual and makes us think of a connection between the main characters. Again, it is a connection that can overcome barriers to space and time that can create a new destiny, even if it seemed impossible that they could find each other.

A young person looking over a city that appears to have meteors falling from the sky.

Your name .: The universality of love

A story of this magnitude told through the eyes of two young people can easily be considered strange. However, you should bypass these negative thoughts to perceive a universal story that shows that there is a place for love and emotion.

The beauty of these images comes with the idea of ​​creating a poetic atmosphere. It helps us to forget the initial confusion and experience emotions. The magic of the stars, nature, the universe and the contact with spirituality in the film can temporarily make us forget our usual skepticism.

All this adds up to the interesting introductory point of view: the idea of ​​looking through another person’s eyes and putting oneself in another person’s situation. Mitsuha wants to escape from Itomori, but Taki stays because of how much he loves the beauty of the place. At the same time, Taki becomes aware of the possibilities in a city like Tokyo. Mitsuha will find opportunities everywhere. Thus, the world changes according to each person’s perspective.

Your name. is also fun. In this way, it brings a certain realism to the film. Despite its mythological holes, dreams and emotions, the film delivers a universal message.

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