Age Wrinkles The Skin; Lack Of Enthusiasm Wrinkles The Soul

Age wrinkles the skin;  Lack of enthusiasm wrinkles the soul

Enthusiasm is the energy that leads us to happiness; It is the passion  to do what really motivates us and what we love. To live fully with this powerful energy means to maintain a hopeful attitude and openness towards what is presented to us.

In our daily lives we continue to stay comfortable and we adapt to our routines, which creates monotony. This leads them to establish comfortable motivation on us, and not the type that gives us the most powerful energy and rewards that give us good conditions with our lives in another way.

When we are children, we have the natural ability to value what we love, as well as the ability to protect ourselves from what we fear. We investigate, we amaze ourselves, and we naturally get excited about simple things. As we get older, we begin to lose this skill, but fortunately not everything is lost!

Living with enthusiasm

Living with enthusiasm is not something that comes naturally or that is specifically genetic; On the contrary, it is an attitude,  and therefore it involves learning. The behavioral models we have had in childhood have a great influence, a significant weight in relation to how we see the world.

children with balloons

Have you ever seen how your parents relate to the world? It is possible that you have managed to escape from how they position themselves in reality, but it is inevitable that this has affected you. As we grow older, we become very aware of the decisions we make to face things in one way or another.

To live with enthusiasm means to choose to explore, to be hopeful, and to open ourselves to emotions and the ability to experiment. Do you consider yourself an enthusiastic person? In that case, you probably see everything around you in a special way; you observe the details and stop to experience and enjoy the little things that life gives you.

To break free from skepticism

The attitude of enthusiasm allows us to escape from complaints, negativity and skepticism. By positioning ourselves within a more hopeful vision, we see a world full of opportunities and with a greater perspective. It is absolutely inevitable to believe that we are capable of achieving everything we want to do.

Believing in ourselves means that we use the resources necessary to face any adversity. This is in relation to Albert Bandura’s theory of independent efficiency, which refers to the perception one has of oneself when it comes to believing that something can be achieved.

Motivation stems from this belief, from the expectations we have of what we are able to achieve through our own efforts. It also means positioning ourselves in reality, putting our feet on the ground to assess different points of view, and valuing the situation according to the resources we have available.

Learning from enthusiasm

As we mentioned above, enthusiasm is a way of looking at life, an attitude that helps us stay motivated and face the situations that present themselves to us. We can learn to be enthusiastic, even if it is something that may be deeply rooted in our personality.

happy woman in the sun

By taking all experiences and lessons as something that helps us grow and develop, we can develop an attitude of enthusiasm towards everything around us. A more positive version of adversity and difficulty, so that we can form relationships based on motivation.

Enthusiasm also has a lot to do with our ability to love, as it involves digging deeper into the beauty that lies in everything that happens to us. The great achievements that mankind has achieved were all thanks to enthusiasm,  thanks to the strength and desire that pushes us to discover and let us be amazed.

Let us learn from children; Let us learn to experience enthusiasm and desire through discovery.

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