Your Fear Will Never Go Away, So Stop Running From It

Fear can paralyze you or help you. Read all about it in this article!
Your fear will never go away, so stop running from it

Thinking that your fears will never go away can lead to anxiety. Just the thought of it makes your heart beat faster. It is something natural or at least understandable. Society has taught you to run away from fear instead of facing it. But above all, it has taught you to avoid fear, even when you do not know whether it will manifest itself or not.

This feeling, which we often label as “bad”, is always present. No matter how much you try and avoid it, it is impossible. Namely because it plays an important role in survival. Fear puts you in alert mode, ready to face any issues.

Thousands of years ago, this was very useful if you were facing real danger. Today, however, we often lead very quiet lives and our fears have changed. But it has changed so much that your fight or escape response is almost useless. In other words, situations where you are really in danger rarely present themselves anymore.

Is your life really in danger when you have to give a public presentation? Are you going to die if you end the relationship with your partner? The fear that comes from these situations is not even real fear. In other words, they do not put you in danger. Therefore, this response is useless.

Fear always wants you to act immediately, instead of staying calm and changing your direction. But today we allow fear to paralyze us. Thousands of years ago, it would have led to death.

Change allows you to grow

Fear will never go away because there will always be changes in your life. For example, when you think of starting a business, you are afraid of not succeeding. In the same way, you are afraid of not getting the right results, failing, or that others will laugh at your mistakes. But all of these things are good because, no matter what happens, you will reach your goal and grow as a person.

The problem is when you hide behind the fear instead of facing it. In other words, when you stay in your comfort zone without taking a risk or daring to do anything that could hurt your sense of security. Over time, this will make you feel lifeless as if you had no goals. You imagine what can happen, even though in reality no one knows if it will happen. With these thoughts in mind, you will still do nothing while hours, days and years go by.

A woman is held up by strings, like a puppet.

Yes, it is very nice and safe inside your comfort zone. But at the same time it is very deactivating. So much so, that if it were a garden, nothing would grow in it. The reason it is so tempting to stay in your comfort zone is that it has the power to make you feel good. In it you are safe and secure. But it can also make you feel like you’re wasting your time and letting opportunities fly by.

People who are afraid of change often envy those who take risks and leave their comfort zone all the time. Something inside them screams “Do something!” Or “You also have dreams and desires, go for them!” For a moment , you can feel a certain drive and fantasize about shopping. But when it’s time to act, you decide to stay calm and do nothing.

Use your fears in your favor

Even if you try to run, your fears will never go away. There will always be a situation that surprises you and completely disrupts the routine. This is when your comfort zone will be shaken, and you will have the opportunity to make a decision. Since fear will never go away, what better way to deal with it than by using it to your advantage?

To achieve this, we give you two small tips. Although they may seem simple, we do not usually act in moments of truth. But if you want to put an end to the very limited fears, these tips can help you get good results:

  • If fear paralyzes you, do not think, act. When this feeling paralyzes you, you need to stop thinking about it. Your head is very powerful. Block out these thoughts and just act without thinking. When you do, you will realize that your fears are gone.
  • Use fear as a source of motivation. If something scares you, use that feeling to push you to achieve it. If you are afraid to start your own business, use fear to motivate you to prepare more and look for opportunities that make you feel safe. For example, talk to people who can help you or look for partners with experience.
Your fear will never go away, so stop running from it

Since fear will never go away, it is better to make it your ally. Fear can help you overcome everything and realize that you have several options. Remember that if you move on and grow, your fears will still be there. However, you can start using your fears in your favor, to get what you want.

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