Tips On How To Honor The Memory Of A Loved One

Discover how to honor the memory of a loved one in this article!
Tips on how to honor the memory of a loved one

Losing a loved one is challenging. Many times we feel incredibly overwhelmed by the pain that comes with loss. Thus, we experience many emotions when we grieve, such as shock, rage, guilt and sadness. When people lose someone they love, they tend to ask themselves how they can honor the memory of a loved one.

In the computer-animated film Watch Up ( Up in English), we see Carl Fredricksen meet the death of his wife, Ellie. Carl feels sad and full of remorse because they never achieved the dream of visiting Paradisfossen together.

Carl feels bothered by the pain. He can not bear to face the death of the person he loved most in the world. Thus he becomes silent and capricious.

To experience a loss

Grief is a natural response to loss. It is an emotional disorder we have to deal with despite the emotions it entails.

When it comes to grief processes, we must state that everyone is different. We are all our own person and that is why we all handle things differently. Grieving is a complex process that takes time and effort. The best thing mourners can do is stop comparing their process with others.

Picture from the movie Watch out.

A very common mistake some people also make is to tell others how to grieve. Each person does it differently. Not only that, but a person grieving over a loss should be the one who decides how they will treat this absence.

To honor the memory of a loved one

In the film Look Up, Fredricksen finds a creative way to process grief. As a final gift to his late wife, Carl decides to go on the trip they had been dreaming of for years. Carl comes up with a strategy to take their house to Paradisfossen, the place that Ellie always wanted to visit.

There are many ways to deal with grief. Furthermore, we will therefore address several ways to honor the memory of a loved one.

The house from the movie Watch out that flies in the air using balloons.

Honoring the memory of a loved one: Do a charitable act on behalf of your loved one

No matter how much we sometimes want to help, we end up feeling confused about how we can actually do it. Some people have found that helping others in need has made them feel better when they have mourned the loss of a loved one. If you like this idea, all you have to do is choose an activity you are good at.

While it can be difficult at times to honor the memory of a loved one, this is a great way to do it.

Let go of your feelings

Be aware of your feelings and avoid suppressing them. Expressing feelings and thoughts is a crucial part of this process. If you do not, you will sooner or later be suffocated by them.

We understand that it may be easier said than done to externalize your feelings. You do not necessarily have to talk about them. Writing is a great way to express yourself. Another good way to express yourself is to paint.

Honoring the memory of a loved one: Surround yourself with love

In times of grief and loss, many people are in a state of depression and a vicious circle of despair, apathy and sadness.

Depression is often accompanied by drowsiness, mood swings and a tendency to loneliness. Loneliness is sometimes important and beneficial because it gives people some space to think. However, loneliness can be harmful during grief processes.

Actions lead to healing

Several experts state that there are five stages of grief: denial, anger, negotiation, depression and acceptance. Although some people experience grief in stages, it usually does not happen that way.

People have good days and bad days. Remember to be nice to yourself when dealing with grief. Do not be discouraged if you wake up one day and feel that the world is ending. Grief is a demanding and difficult job, but make sure you do it.

Honoring the memory of a loved one: A sad woman looking out the window.

We have some suggestions for you. First of all, organize all the responsibilities that come with death. Creating a to-do list will help you stay organized and not get discouraged.

Our second suggestion is to communicate with your own body. What you eat is crucial during this process, because eating healthy will make you feel better. Our third and final suggestion is to exercise regularly. Just like eating healthy, exercise releases a number of well-being hormones.

Deal with grief at your own pace

We have one last but very important thing to tell you: Grieving is not a race. It is one thing to talk to people who have lost a loved one before and learn some things from their experiences, and another to believe that your process must be the same as theirs. We can not stress this enough: Grief takes time. Therefore, be kind to yourself and respect your rhythm.

We know you want to feel better as soon as possible, but do not rush. Everyone is different and handles things differently. Precisely because of this, honoring the memory of a loved one is an individual process.

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