7 Toxic Behaviors That Push People Away

We should avoid toxic behaviors that push people away to enjoy a healthier and happier life and establish good relationships with others.
7 toxic behaviors that push people away

Just as we can develop behaviors that attract people, we can also develop toxic behaviors that push people away. These toxic behaviors can negatively affect our relationships with family or friends. Therefore, in order to take care of those we love and not threaten those who support us, we should identify and change toxic behaviors that push people away from us.

Sometimes it is envy that throws fuel on the fire when it comes to this type of behavior. It is a negative emotion that can damage our relationships and affect communication.

Toxic behaviors

1. To be jealous of the success of others

The first thing when it comes to married behaviors that pushes people away is the feeling we mentioned earlier combined with the feeling that you have not succeeded in anything. If you notice this behavior, it is best to try to stop comparing yourself to others.

It is true that comparisons provide us with valuable social information. For example, comparing ourselves to others can tell us whether we are the best or the worst in a category. Therefore, we can use comparisons to our advantage. N years, however, we are especially prone to envy, it will not be useful at all to compare ourselves with others.


2. To take criticism personally

It is not a good idea to have a defensive attitude and to attack others to defend ourselves against criticism. If you tend to do this, you should calm down and try to divert the flow of words away from your ego. Ego is what usually makes us take criticism as personal attack.

Of course, this does not mean that we should adopt a passive attitude, untouched by what others think of us. Instead, we should adjust our judgment in order to take advantage of other people’s perceptions.

3. To treat yourself as a victim

Behaving like a victim is also among the toxic behaviors that push people away. This can happen when we feel that all the problems are directed at us. However , it will only hinder your personal development.

4. Being obsessed with pain

When we feel bad or suffer in some way, it is normal for these negative feelings to eventually disappear. But if we build up pain and anger every time we go through a difficult situation, we will end up being bitter and toxic.

5. Not controlling our emotions

People should always work on controlling their emotions. In this sense, it is a valuable first step to recognize that freaking out or having episodes of rage, as well as crying and having tantrums, push people away.

This projects only an image of immaturity that makes others believe that we have little self-control. For this reason , we suggest that you use emotional intelligence. Listen to what others have to say about you and manage your emotions to your advantage.

Man screams

6. Lack of empathy

Empathy is a very positive quality. Knowing how to put yourself in other people’s shoes will let you understand their problems. Doing so will also increase your emotional intelligence.

Because of this, empathizing with others will strengthen our bond with them.

7. Not respecting boundaries

We must respect the boundaries of others if we want them to respect ours. When it comes to figuring out another person’s boundaries, pay attention to who you interact with. Their social environment can give us clues to what they like and dislike.

For example, Japanese and Chinese people tend to keep a greater distance from others. On the other hand, Mediterranean people do not have many concerns when it comes to establishing physical contact or approaching other people to talk.

We should avoid toxic behaviors that push people away to enjoy a healthier and happier life and establish good relationships with others.

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