7 Signs Of Early Onset Parkinson’s Disease

7 signs of early-onset Parkinson's disease

Early-onset Parkinson’s disease begins before the age of 50. It is a neurodegenerative disorder that affects the nervous system. It causes damage and the subsequent degeneration of the neurons located in the substantia nigra. The average age for outbreaks of Parkinson’s is 60 and the incidence increases significantly with age. However, about 5 to 10 percent of those with Parkinson’s disease have early-onset Parkinson’s disease that comes before the age of 50.

Mutations of specific genes such as the parkin gene may contribute to the outbreak. People with one or more close relatives with Parkinson’s disease have a higher risk of developing the disease.

Overall, the chances of developing the disease are only 2 to 5 percent unless there is a family history of the disease. It is estimated that between 15 and 25 percent of people with Parkinson’s know that they have a relative with the disease.

In very rare cases, the symptoms of Parkinson’s may occur in people younger than 20. It usually begins with the symptoms of dystonia and bradykinesia. The drug levodopa can often improve these symptoms.

What is Parkinson’s disease?

Dr. James Parkinson made the first diagnosis of the disease in 1817. The British doctor observed six patients who showed typical symptoms of the disease he called “agitating paralysis”. Later, the famous French neurologist Charcot named it Parkinson’s disease.

As mentioned earlier, the disease affects the nervous system, causing the degeneration of the neurons to the substantia nigra. These neurons produce dopamine. Dopamine is a basic chemical substance that ensures that the body’s movements are performed correctly.

Early onset Parkinson's is at the cerebral level

When the brain does not have enough dopamine to maintain movement, it incorrectly transmits the signals that tell the body how to move. The typical motor symptoms of the disease appear gradually.

It has also been shown that Parkinson’s also affects other neurons. Therefore, other neurotransmitters such as serotonin, norepinephrine and acetylcholine also suffer. This will explain the other non-motor symptoms of the disease.

Early onset Parkinson’s disease

When we think of someone with Parkinson’s, we mainly imagine a person with trembling hands. They walk very slowly with their backs slightly bent. Their bodies are a bit stiff. It is true that this picture is not so far from reality.

However, tremor, stiffness and slow walking are not the only symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. In addition to these and other motor symptoms, there is also a wide range of non-motor symptoms.

These non-motor symptoms are cognitive, behavioral, and emotional changes. They can hinder the patient’s daily life.

However, it is not uncommon for motor and non-motor symptoms typical of Parkinson’s to manifest in very young people. Although the disease is more common in older people, it is not limited to them exclusively.

In the case of Parkinson’s in adolescents, the non-motor symptoms may be the least typical, but are more common in those under 20. Because these Parkinson’s symptoms are not exclusive to the disease, other disorders with the same symptoms sometimes make the diagnosis complicated.

Sad young people with an early start on Parkinsons

Seven signs of early-onset Parkinson’s disease

There are a number of symptoms that can alert us to early-onset Parkinson’s disease. There are several characters, but we need to focus on these seven:

  • Sleep disorders. The most common disorders are insomnia (difficulty sleeping), restless leg syndrome and REM sleep disorder.
  • Depression. This is one of the first symptoms to appear and is actually considered an early indicator of the disease.
  • Other mood swings. In addition to depressive symptoms, anxiety and apathy are very common. These symptoms can negatively affect the desire to seek help and solution.
  • Cognitive changes. Many people with early-onset Parkinson’s disease usually find it difficult to do more than one thing at a time. Poor task performance, slower speed of thought, attention and concentration problems, memory problems and dementia are all symptoms of early-onset Parkinson’s disease.
  • Trembling. Although it usually starts in the hands, it starts in the jaw or feet of other patients. The most characteristic thing about these tremors is that they occur when you rest.
  • Bradykinesia. This is a gradual loss of spontaneous movement. General movement only slows down. This is one of the most disabling and frustrating symptoms for those affected.
  • Exhaustion. With early-onset Parkinson’s disease, the patient felt tired all the time without having pushed himself at all.

As we have seen, Parkinson’s is not a disease that occurs exclusively in “older people”. Early-onset Parkinson’s disease can be very devastating. These seven signs can help you recognize the disease and visit a specialist who can diagnose you as soon as possible.

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