5 Things Healthy Couples Have In Common

5 things healthy couples have in common

Friedrich Nietzsche once said: “There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some sense in the madness. ” Could it be what healthy couples have in common?

People often say that when we find the right person, we are “insanely in love”. But it seems obvious that we need sanity in any relationship. You could call it a healthy relationship, two people who understand each other, or a thousand other things. But first we want to say that it is possible to find balance – at least that is what the experts believe.

We base our list on theories of the Catalan psychologist Encarni Muñoz. This relationship expert believes that to have a healthy relationship, listening to our own criteria is the first thing we must do. What do we need in a relationship? Can the person you are with give it to you? Let us see …

Take responsibility for your emotions

An important factor in making healthy couples healthy is that each person takes responsibility for their own happiness. Love for the other comes from solid self-love and self-esteem. These reinforce the idea that we have value to add to the relationship.

A woman holding a big red heart over her head

Remember that if you underestimate yourself, you can blame or depend too much on your partner. That is why the relationship must be between equals. Both partners should find a balance and be able to share responsibilities equally.

Open communication lines to keep the balance

According to Muñoz, the second point has to do with the importance of communication. To establish and maintain the balance we mentioned above, we need good communication. Empathy and active listening are the keys to effective communication.

It is not always easy, but it is important to always try to be understanding towards the other person. We need to understand their views and why they do what they do. We must be flexible and tolerant, even if we do not agree. You are on the same team, and you have a common goal.

Practice being confident and genuine

Healthy couples are never based on lies. This is a very basic idea. But it is important that both parties are honest about potential factors that can lead to a breakup in the relationship. If something is bothering you, do not hold it inside you until you reach your breaking point.

Despite how well you may know your partner, you do not know what they are thinking 100% of the time. If you think you know everything about them, it’s easy to get into arguments and negative discussions.

So, even if you get along most of the time and know each other well, try to be clear when expressing yourself. There is nothing wrong with being vulnerable in front of our partners. After all, they love us.

Trust is essential for healthy couples

This is also very basic. Without trust on both sides, it is extremely difficult to find common ground. Creating a trusting and supportive environment where you both feel loved is important.

Healthy couple holding hands

If you create this kind of environment, you can trust that when you need the other person, they will be there. They will support you, help you move forward and go with you. You also want to avoid the annoyance that jealousy brings. Just think about it: if your partner loves you and you love them, what do you have to fear?

Live in the present and be realistic

Let’s say one person in the relationship focuses on what may happen in the future, or on changing the other person. Or they spend a lot of time thinking that tomorrow they will be a better husband or wife. If this is the case, the relationship does not have a very great future. A healthy relationship happens in the present, here and now.

Just like how you can not live in the future, you can not live in the past. Almost all relationships have their problems. Still, when you get over them and forgive mistakes, let go of them. Do not pull them out again every time you argue. Do not use them as a projectile weapon or a reproach.

As Walter Winchell said: “Never above you, never below you. Always next to you. ” This idea and the ones we have discussed are things that healthy couples have in common. Or at least that’s what psychologist Encarni Muñoz thinks.

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