5 Strategies To Help You Have A Good Conversation

The most important thing in keeping a good conversation going is to have an open attitude towards the other person.
5 strategies to help you have a good conversation

Dialogue is the main foundation of our relationship. This is how we get in touch with our society and our culture. Therefore, it is important to know how we can maintain a good conversation to build, preserve and enrich our circle.

In that sense, the best news is that all of these social skills can be improved with the right technique and practice. This is an art that we can only learn through practice.

The most important thing in keeping a good conversation going is to have an open attitude towards the other person. You can learn from people all over the world. You can have a nice exchange with anyone if you approach them properly. That said, there are some guidelines that help make the dialogue as good as possible.

Active listening

Maintaining a good conversation is something that directly depends on the ability to listen. Knowing how to listen to another person does not mean increasing the sounds our ears can understand. Good listening is active and contributing.

Active listening prevents the dialogue from becoming a monologue. When only one of the two participants is talking, there is no conversation. There will always be a certain level of asymmetry. Usually one person talks more and the other listens more. This is because it is very difficult to achieve absolute balance. But the closer we get to it, the better the dialogue.

Couples having a good conversation.

2. Breaks are important

Silence always manages to slip into a conversation. Some people are deeply disturbed by this. It’s not really that bad, since breaks are also necessary. When the silence is too long and you do not want to end the call, you must save the call.

How do you do it? The best way is to use transition sentences. These are confirmations that allow the dialogue to start again. You can start talking about a previous topic or a new one. You can use phrases like ” Regarding what you said before …” or ” To change topic, I would like to know what you think about …”. You can also say something like ” I did not comment on that “. These are all phrases that will help you connect thoughts and maintain a lively conversation.

3. Share information

Sharing information has to do with answering the other person’s questions adequately. If we answer laconic or confine ourselves to one-syllable words, we will frustrate the other’s willingness to nurture and maintain a good conversation.

If we answer the other person’s questions with additional information, we will facilitate dialogue. It also shows openness and the desire to express what we think, feel or believe. This facilitates interaction. This does not mean that we should always give comprehensive answers, but that we must provide additional information to those who request it.


People talking.

4. Self-disclosure: One of the keys to maintaining a good conversation

People are more likely to trust people who trust them, just as we tend to be more open to those who adopt similar attitudes as us . If you want a conversation to be more personal, we recommend that you share personal information. This means that you should reveal other aspects of yourself that are more private.

Therefore, if we talk spontaneously about these personal things, it will be more likely that the other person will feel motivated to do the same. All of this leads to a successful transition from a formal conversation to a more personal one.

5. Question: The driving force for a good conversation

Questions help the conversation move forward. Not only do they allow us to explore and get to know the other person better, but they are also indispensable keys to maintaining a good conversation. Obviously, you need to have enough criteria to choose the questions you are going to ask the other person. The goal is not to make them feel questioned.

If you do not know a person well, it is best to ask questions that go from a superficial level to a more personal one. This way you will give them time to trust you and you will not create moments of discomfort.

Cultivating the art of a good conversation is worth it. Not only does it lead you to entertaining situations, but it is also therapeutic. It allows you to express yourself, listen and learn from others. It also enriches your life and spice up your relationship with others.

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