5 Steps To Change Your Life

5 steps to change your life

Choosing change and changing your life is not a random decision or something to do on a whim. Most of the time when we talk about important changes, we are talking about an act of necessity, conviction and above all courage.

Sometimes we have no choice but to do it – change ours, pull up our roots and look for new horizons. We must start again and find the balance between needs and achievements, between desire and behavior. As we will see in this article, all of this is important when making the brave decision to change your life.

Winston Churchill said very strongly that to improve is to change, and to be “perfect” is to have the courage to change often.

We could add another equally important thought to this idea: change is positive as long as we do not lose our own values. Therefore, every change we make during our life must be aimed at getting closer to the person we really want to be.

Now, making these changes is usually not a quick or easy process. It’s definitely not comfortable, at least not in the beginning. Something interesting that happens is that most of us assume that we should make a change when something big happens in our lives.

Losing a job, ending a relationship, or suffering defeat or disappointment is an almost direct invitation to do as the English phrase: ” change or die “.

Still, and it is important to make this clear, it is not a bad idea to develop strategies related to personal change. That way, we will be prepared to face times like these. We are not caught unconscious when we reach the edge of the cliff.

If “change” means progress and improvement, let’s put it into practice every day. Let us continually make holistic and intelligent changes in our lives.

In this way we will react much better to everything life throws at us. We will feel better able to move on. Let’s look at some of the strategies we can use to achieve this goal.

Change your life in 5 steps

Change your life in 5 steps

You have probably felt the need to change your life. Maybe it made you read a self-help book to see what kind of advice it offers. You may have discovered that most of these books provide general ideas that are very similar. They tend to be very optimistic and well-meaning.

However, in reality the situation is different. Our brain is resistant to change. It does not like change, and it is perceived as negative. For the brain, change means imbalance and a direct threat to our survival. This reinforces the idea that all change is traumatic and we must try to reduce the effects.

But something we CAN do is introduce five rules into our daily lives. These are five ways we can focus our thoughts on helping our personal growth.

Clarity comes from simplicity

Mark started teaching karate classes. He still tells his 8 to 12 year old students, “no pain, no gain”. He says this while giving them exhausting, complex instructions, and encourages them to work hard. One week later, of his 20 original students, he has only 3 left.

What is wrong with this instructor? To think that he could produce rapid change and commitment in his students was a mistake. True change and great achievement come by working with clear, simple and motivating goals every day.

If you want to change your life, the best thing you can do is to simplify the process. Set a goal that is easy to achieve, but is part of a larger and more difficult goal. When you get to that, set yourself a new, slightly harder one that moves you a little closer. If you do this, you will be halfway up the mountain before you know it.

2. Protect your new behavior

All change, big or small, requires new behavior to be put into practice. Yet it is a common problem that we often do not talk about. “How does our environment react to these changes? How do those around us react to our need to change? ”

  • Many times we are recipients of demotivating comments. In fact, negative criticism can push us backwards.
  • To prevent this from happening, keep in mind that new behavior should be “protected”. For example, if you choose to stop seeing certain friends, take more time for yourself or pursue other hobbies, do not let what others say affect you.
Woman sitting on suitcase under umbrella

3. Being is easier than being

When you want to change your life, you can make the mistake of wanting to be a different person. To visualize us as another person. We see ourselves as someone who does exciting things and meets new and interesting people.

We need to keep our feet on the ground and understand two main points.

  • It’s easier to be than to be. That is, making changes in our lives does not mean that we become something we are not. This is not a logical or healthy thought.
  • Ideal change makes us the best version of ourselves. It gives us the opportunity to find balance, but also challenges our fears and limitations. It pushes us to take it a step further and adapt our ambitions to our achievements, our dreams to our triumphs and our well-being to our satisfaction.

4. Fear of the unknown is justified

Many self-help books say, “Do not be afraid, you can do it, trust yourself.” This banal, overused term includes some things we should think about.

  • Being afraid is normal. Do not deny it or hide it, just try to understand it.
  • Fear of change is fear of insecurity. There is fear of what will happen, whether we will be able to deal with it, whether everything will go wrong. We must understand that thoughts of this type respond to the brain’s survival instinct, which asks us to sit still and not take any risks.

Therefore, the series of phrases below can help you on a daily basis.

  • I’m scared, and my fears are justified. This is a normal process, I just have to deal with it and understand it. The goal is that fear challenges me instead of paralyzing me. It should push me to see how far I can go.
  • To reduce my fear, I want to set realistic, simple and progressive goals. I want to move little by little without stopping.
  • If there is one thing I know for sure, it is that all change will take me to a better ste d. All changes should be positive. I need to focus my thoughts on the good things that come from this process of reaching my goal.
Clock that says "now"

5. Let’s celebrate every achievement

If you want to change your life, remember that it is not good to be in a hurry. Walking slowly allows us to gain a better perspective. If we take our time, we will be more aware of every step we take, the mistakes we make, and the corrections we should make going forward.

Making changes is not easy or simple. In fact , the shortest distance between two points is sometimes not a straight line. It is a zigzag journey where we have to fall and get up again and again… Along the way we will lose ourselves and find ourselves again, we take two steps forward and one step back.

And there is one thing we must never forget: to be grateful for all the achievements. Our success belongs to us and no one else. The only person we have to please in this process is ourselves.

Listen to this advice if you want to change your life. It will be worth it.

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