5 Emotions That Hurt Your Body

5 emotions that harm your body

According to Chinese medicine, every emotion is linked to a specific organ and function in the human body. The most common causes of illness are negative attitudes and emotions,  such as: guilt, bitterness, fear and the need for attention. Any emotional imbalance may be reflected in the symptoms or diseases produced in these organs.

Diseases occur to avoid unpleasant situations or as an attempt to escape them. In Eastern medicine, it is believed that all discomfort tells us deep down that we should love ourselves. This is because by loving ourselves, we let our hearts be what governs our lives and not our ego.

Emotions that can cause disease, according to Chinese medicine

According to Chinese medicine, there are some emotions that harm your body. These can be behind certain diseases or problems:

  • Sadness or grief: It comes from disappointment or even stronger, from separation or loss. It mainly affects the lungs. Sadness affects the whole body and can cause heaviness, shortness of breath, fatigue and depression. Therefore, we need time to express and accept our sadness.
  • Caution: It occurs due to insecurity and tends to weaken the spleen. Caution is associated with diseases of the chest and shoulders.
  • Fear: Fear is associated with the kidneys, affects the opening in the stomach, and is associated with kidney failure. These changes come from the tendency to suffer from irrational fear. Unacceptable fear is transmitted, causing problems in the liver and heart.
Person by the sea at sunset
  • Fear: It’s similar to fear, but it’s more extreme. Fear is associated with physical and emotional problems. It can lead to memory loss, disorientation, palpitations, dizziness, tremors, sweating and fainting.
  • Anger: It can take many forms. Irritability, frustration, envy and rage. Anger turns into headaches, neck pain, dizziness and especially liver disease.

The emotional significance of illness

It is important to know the meaning of diseases, because this is one of the ways our body expresses itself. All our emotions and thoughts are registered in our cells. Thus, diseases are danger signals that point to something not going well.

The following summary is a summary of the significance of some of the most common diseases. All are based on holistic medicine, both traditional Chinese medicine and other complementary Eastern medicines.

  • Allergies: It indicates deep fear. Fear of getting rid of help when the time comes to be self-sufficient, as well as trying to get compassion, support and attention from others.
  • Depression: The meaning can be found in the conflict between “the ideal” and reality. Also between who we are and who we want to be, between what we have and what we want.
Sad woman in the dark
  • Arthritis: Not feeling able to adapt and be mentally flexible. It is interpreted as a lack of self-confidence and an uncompromising attitude to life.
  • Obesity: Its significance is found in an inner void, and one resorts to food to compensate. Fear of expressing ourselves to others and being vulnerable as well as vulnerable.
  • Nervousness: Lack of contact with your inner self. Everything is seen from a subjective point of view, as in selfishness. One feels insecure and afraid of being attacked as well as being unable to get rid of selfish attitudes.

Emotions can trigger or exacerbate an illness. Nevertheless, these can also reverse the situation, and thus one exchanges the disease for health.

For this to happen, you just need to be able to recognize the emotions that are causing imbalance in your body and transform them. In Eastern medicine, self-awareness of our emotions is given special importance. This is something that Western psychology is beginning to think about.

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